Introduction/ Chapter 1

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Disclaimer:  This story is one of my own creation. I do not own any rights to the pictures ( well I may own one or two) or the names of any NHL Players. This is just for fun. Not to mention I am not the best of writers either. They may be mistakes but it is what it is. 

     My name is Rochelle Louise Parker. My hair color is brown and I have blue eyes. Plus I have an athletic body, meaning I have muscles and curves in the right areas.  I am a professional athlete. Even though some may say what I do is not exactly considered a sport.  See I am a professional bowler. I am 25 years old. I have been bowling for 20 years. That's right I started when I was 5 years old.

     I work in a bowling alley too. Some say I need to get a real job, like a doctor or a lawyer. But what those few people that say that don't know is that I have my Master's degree in Business Management and Marketing.  So the bowling alley that I work at is my mine. I own it. 

      I have a baby brother, who is my best friend. His name is Matt. He has his degree in photography. He works for a sports magazine taking pictures of different athletes. However he does all my photos. He is my go to guy. Anytime I need any type of pictures to be taken, regardless of what it is, I call Matt.  He is 24 with brown hair and brown eyes. 

    I actually have more money that I know what to do with. However if you were to meet me you would never know that. I am not the type of person to flaunt money anywhere and everywhere I go. 

    I did however make sure Matt and his wife Kennedy had all their bills paid off after I had their dream house built. They have a 3 bedroom house in Tampa, Florida. Kennedy is a beautiful girl the same age as Matt. She is a teacher working with Special Needs Elementary children. She has the patience of a saint. 

This is Matt and Kennedy's home

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This is Matt and Kennedy's home.

   I own 2 different vehicles. One is a 2005 Ford F150 and the other is a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee.  I like driving the Ford around town but if I have to travel then I take the Jeep. They aren't brand new but hey they are in great condition. 

  I just recently moved to a town called Lakeland, Florida. Originally both Matt and I are from Ft. Lauderdale. He moved to Tampa about 2 years before I moved here. 

Here is my home

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Here is my home. It has  3 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, dining room,  living room and family room. With a one car garage. Now I know you think its crazy to have 2 cars with only a one car garage. But I keep my Jeep inside. And you may ask why such a big kitchen. I love to bake and cook. I do all the food for my staff when we have our holiday work parties.

   We have a mutual friend in common and his name is Sam, 28. Sam is a card in himself. Very protective of me and understandably so. But that is a discussion for another time.  Sam used to be a professional MMA fighter. But after a freak accident in the ring he no longer competes. Instead he own and manages a gym for those wanting to be a fighter.  However when I have time off I go to him to help me stay in shape. Think of Sam as my own personal fitness coach/instructor.

  I also have my personal bowling coach, Travis.  He has 3 PBA Championships He is like a father figure to me. Travis has been my coach since I was 14. He calls me, "The Prodigy". That I am a natural and nothing I do on those lanes are forced. Did I mention I am a lefty? Yup not to many of us out there. So is like an advantage, so to speak. He gets me all my equipment and sponsorships that I need. Even though I have Sam's gym as one of my sponsors. 

     Oh and don't let me forget to tell you about Paul and Jayson. 

    Paul does all of my clothing. Meaning that if I have to have new "shirts/jerseys" made I call him. And trust me he does some great work. He always comes up with some crazy designs or color patters. Sometimes they are plain if I have photoshoots to do. But when I am out there on those lanes, he always tells me to wear the unique ones cause they stand out in the crowd. 

        Then there is Jayson Dakota Alexander. What can I tell you about him? Well for starters he is an ex boyfriend. We dated in college. However we realized that we were better off as friends then anything else. Because our sports life came in between us. See Jayson is a hockey player in Canada. He is on a semi pro team. He is currently married to a wonderful girl named Amber. They have been married for 4 years and have a beautiful baby girl, LisaMarie. Which thanks to them, since he is my best friend,  I am her god mother. So to say that she isn't spoiled by me is an understatement. That girl already has her college paid for, a trust set up, and what ever reasonable vehicle she wants is hers.  Jayson and Amber both think that is too much but I don't care. She is family. And both Jayson and Amber know if they need anything all they have to do is call me. Regardless how big or how small. 

(So sorry this is a short chapter. I will do my best to make the others longer. I hope that this first chapter isn't to boring either. Hopefully the others will make up for this one. Once again this is done for pure enjoyment.)

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