Chapter 5: Charity Event

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Rochelle POV

It's the day of the charity event. I got into Dallas last night around 5 and Matt arrived at 4:30. So he waited for me till I got there and made our way to the hotel together. I called Jennifer when we got to our hotel rooms just to make sure that everything back home was going good. And that there were no problems with the leagues.

Matt is in the room next to mine and we have adjoining doors. We got checked in about 6:30. We had to rent a car since we didn't drive here. So we got a Navy Blue Infinite QX80, four door and fully loaded. Plus this thing has an amazing sound system and exhaust.

"Wakey Wakey, pigs in a blankey."

"Ugh five more minutes, Matty." Stupid connecting doors.

"Nope, we have a busy day. Now get up."

I get up and throw my pillow at him. He chuckles and shoves me to the bathroom.

"Go take a shower and get dressed and I will come back with coffee for you.

" Okay."

"Meet me in my room when your done. That's where your coffee will be."

I take my shower and go to get dressed in a pair of shorts. I throw on my sports bra and a tank top and go to his room. He's lounging around in only a pair of shorts while watching tv and drinking coffee.

"Matt, I know your my brother and I love you. But please put on a shirt."

He rolls his eyes and puts on a tank top.

We ordered room service and talked about todays activities. He told me that we will need to be at the lanes around 4 even though the event doesn't take place till 6. The joy of being the bowler that other professional athletes will be bowling with. Plus they are having our fans bowl with us to. But I have to be there because I am going back on tour and they want to make sure I have some time in on the lanes for a bit just so I feel comfortable.

"Matt, they do realize I own my own bowling alley right? That I go out there and practice since I got clearance from my doctors and from Sam?"

"Yes but they want pictures and lots of them with you and other athletes plus the fans that are participating in this event too."

"Fine. However since we have time before we have to be there, I am going to go work out in the hotel gym."

I went back into my room and grabbed my phone and headphones and wondered down into the hotel gym.

It really wasn't that much of a gym, it had a few cardio machines and a little bit of weight machines. But I did my stretches and jumped on the treadmill. I didn't want to over due it since I had to bowl tonight. Just a light workout for now.

By now the time was around 1 so I went back to the room and took another shower. I got dressed in some pants and on a regular shirt on. I brought my polo shirt that had my name on it and put that in my bowling bag. I put my hair up in a pony tail and put on some eyeliner and mascara. Plus some lip gloss. I gathered all my equipment up making sure everything was ready to go.

Matt knocked on my door and we headed out together. He put his camera bag in the back seat and I put my bowling equipment in the back hatch. Matt insisted on driving which is completely fine with me. I just rested my eyes closed and lean my head back.

We make it there and I went and checked in with the whoever was running this charity event. Then it came time for some pictures of me on the lanes. Why they insisted on this I have no idea. They also had various raffles set up and what not. I put in a donation and some free passes to my establishment as well.

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