Chapter 14 - Rumor Mill

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   [Tay's POV]

By Monday, it seemed like everyone knew that Jenna and I were back on. Word traveled fast in high school. Despite that, some people still seemed to be convinced that one of us was a little home-wrecker that had some weird, sociopathic plan to ruin everyone's good year. What was everyone's problem? Some things weren't that complicated. I had feelings for two people and I fucked it all up. It was a simple problem with a fortunate solution.

I spent that entire week having what seemed like each of my friends giving me a new rumor every day, everything from fake relationships and hot threesomes to all of this being a cover-up for Jordan and I dating. Who would ever take the time and effort to cover up a relationship like that? I swear, some people just had too much time on their hands.

Jenna, Jess, and Jordan all came over on Wednesday. It was a much needed hangout after the last few days of ridiculousness. Jordan was sunken into a bean bag chair and Jess propped herself up on the floor while Jenna and I were laying off of my bed.

"So," Jenna piped up after an unusually long period of silence. "Any new rumors?"

Jess laughed. "I heard one about Jen and Hayley."

Jordan's eyes perked up in interest. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, that you guys hooked up."

"What, really?" Jenna chuckled. "She's not even that attractive!"

I scoffed. "Please, babe. Hayley is hot."

"Yeah, she's pretty sexy." Jess agreed. "But I thought she was dating that Jordan dude?"

"No, Jess. His name is Chad."

"Either way, that would be hot." Jordan huffed. He realized that he spoke aloud and covered his mouth. "I mean... that's awful. Damn."

I threw a pillow at him. "Like anything that has happened between any of us has been hot?!" Jenna and Jess giggled as Jordan flailed. 

"I just meant that more hot girls gettin' it on would be even better, not that all of this isn't fine!"

A devilish grin overtook Jenna's mouth. "Well... nothing has happened between me and Jess." She inched herself toward the brunette on the floor. "Wanna change that?"

"Hey! Whoa!" I shouted. "Not until I'm in a spot with a good view!"

Jess gave us a funny look. "Tay, you're just gonna let this happen?"

I shrugged. "I mean, I'm okay with it if you guys are." Jenna and Jess looked at each other, shrugged, smiled, and leaned in ever so slowly for their first kiss. Jordan pumped one fist in the air and punched me ecstatically in the arm with the other. I watched carefully as one pair of lips connected with another. I felt like the only possible way I could be more turned on was if they ripped off each other's clothes and pulled me in. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but they were both blushing once Jenna pulled away.

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