Chapter 6 - That's What You Get

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[Jenna's POV]

It was Friday and I was nervous; tonight was Brian's party. I told Tay that I would pick her up and drive us there if she didn't want to keep bugging Jordan to do things for her. He doesn't seem to mind, but I feel weird about it. It's probably because he's her friend, not mine. I suppose he was also my friend now, too, but I still felt weird about it.

I went home immediately from school so I could have time to relax before the party. I knew that it wasn't until seven, but I hated being rushed.I liked to have time to myself between big things. I talked to my friends back home.

"So, what's the game plan for tonight?" said Whakaio, my best friend. I could hear chatting in the background, most likely from the other guys.

"I don't really know," I replied. "I was thinking of asking her to go out with me."

"You'll already be out with her, you twat!" That voice was Jake.

"I meant asking her to be my girlfriend, you ass!"

"Oh! Well, why didn't you say so?"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. So, what do you guys think?"

"Do it!" I could hear Cam and Matty shouting in the background.

"Yeah, I think you should do it, Jen. You sound like you really like this girl." This time, the voice on the other end was Whakaio again.


"Fuck yeah! Why not?"

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me."

"Hey," it was Jake. "You're our girl and we're gonna be proud of you no matter what. We don't care who you love because we'll love you anyway. Hell, you could call us from the boys in blue to say you killed someone. Still be proud."

"Such a sap. I miss you."

"We miss you, too."

I laid in bed for a bit after that, listened to music. It was one of the things that kept me sane here. I got a text from Lynn.

Lynn: Yo.

Me: What's up?

Lynn: Nothiiing :) Are you comin tonight?

Me: Hell yeah! You?

Lynn: Yes, as soon as Alexa gets off work. Might be a little late.

Me: I'm so excited!

Lynn: Haha I bet. Nervous?

Me: Why?

Lynn: I just thought you might be, with Jess and all.

I stared at my phone, confused.

Me: What about Jess???

Lynn: Uh... nothing! I just thought... you know, with this week. It was kind of awkward.

Me: Oh. Sorry?

Lynn: Hey, didn't bother me any. You and Tay seem happy. That's good.

Me: Thanks, Lynn.

Lynn:  <3

I smiled. It felt like moving to this place wasn't going to be so bad after all... but Jess. Jess scared me a little. I mean, it's not like I thought she was going to make a scene and try to kick my ass. She didn't seem like that kind of person. However, I could tell that this business with Tay is really hurting her and I felt bad about it. Maybe if I tried to talk to her, things would be better and we could be friends...

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