Chapter 13 - The Only Exception

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   [Tay's POV]

It's been a week since my little accident. Jenna stopped skipping the classes that I had with her, but she may as well have. She treated me like a ghost. No, I'm pretty sure people gave a little attention to ghosts... she treated me like I was nothing. She never looked at me, spoke to me, went anywhere near me... What was I expecting? Little did she know, however, I was working on something amazing. The coffee shop where we had our first date has open mic nights, and Lynn was going to invite her without saying I was performing. The song that I have been practicing with Jordan and Alexa will say everything that I wanted to say to her. I don't think I've ever worked this hard at something. I've never practiced this much or this hard for orchestra or a test. 

I've been trying to get a hold of Jenna all day, but no luck. Upon telling Alexa, she asked Lynn to send her a message and feel out Jenna's schedule. She was the only person that could really do it without looking suspicious. 

We found out that she wasn't up to anything. Well, anything that seemingly involved me. Lynn asked her if she wanted to watch the open mic set at the shop tonight and she agreed after asking at least five times if I would be there.

Jordan and Alexa came over one more time to rehearse with me.

"Are you sure it sounds as good as it can?" I asked nervously. They both found my anxiety amusing.

"Tay, it sounds perfect." Alexa reassured me. "We've gone over this a million times in the past few days. You're going to do so well."

Jordan smiled. "She's right. I think it will work, too."


"I mean, I hope so. I know I'd throw myself at you if you dedicated this song to me."

The reassurance of my closest friends always gave me a confidence boost that nothing or no one else could provide me with. We ran through it one more time, and then went out for burgers with Jess and Lynn. 

It was almost time for us to play. I saw Lynn go in with Jenna. I didn't know how we were going to come in without Jenna noticing. As soon as she sees me, she's going to know that Lynn and Alexa set her up. I feel bad that they did this for me, but I'm hoping our plan works and Jenna forgives all of us. Me especially.

The cafe was crowded. This worked to our advantage as I crept in behind Alexa and took a seat at the bar. Jordan came in last because he was the tallest and therefore the most noticeable. He carried the instruments with him. Alex Gaskarth was onstage right now, playing his guitar and singing. He always had such a nice voice. He played in the courtyard during lunch sometimes, but it got old pretty fast because a lot of people do it. 

After he finished, applause filled the room and an employee replaced him on the stage.

"That was a song by Alex Gaskarth. It sounds like you all enjoyed it! Hopefully you'll enjoy this next performance by a few of his friends. Next up, is Tay Jardine accompanied by Jordan Eckes and Alexa San Roman!"

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