Chapter 10 - Backseat Serenade

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[Jess's POV]

I don't even know how this happened. I mean, I do know because I remembered, but still... how the fuck did this happen?

WARNING: This is a flashback.

I cruised down the street that Tay said she was on. She sounded awfully frantic when she called me. I knew that her date with Jenna was tonight. I wondered if this had anything to do with that. 

I recognized the back of her head and broke to a screeching halt beside her. Quickly, she hopped into the passenger seat and I sped off. 

"So..." I said, trying not to notice that she looked somewhat disheveled and like she had been crying. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I think Jenna just broke up with me." She answered quietly.

"What? Why? What happened?" 

"I don't want to talk about it."

I remembered that earlier, Stephen told me that Jordan said they were having sex for the first time tonight. "Uh... was it because you were bad?"


"You know..." I made a thrusting gesture.

"Oh my fucking god, Jess, no!" She hit me. "Does everyone fucking know that?! God, I'm gonna murder Jordan. I am."

"I'm sorry, I was just guessing!" We sat in silence as I turned onto Main Street. "So... what was it?"

"Jess. I said that I didn't want to talk about it."

"Well, okay. You can if you change your mind."

We were silent the rest of the drive back to her house. I heard her sniffle a few times, but she brushed my hand away when I tried to hold hers for comfort.

I pulled up in front of her house. "Um... would you like me to get out and hug you?"


I shut the car off and got out. I scurried around the hood and opened my arms for her. She flew into them. I still wanted to know what was going on, but I didn't want to be an ass about it. I just stood there and held Tay. This seemed to be a thing that I was best at: swooping in to pick up her shattered pieces. 

"You know that I am here for you if you need anything, okay?" I whispered into her ear. I waited for a response, but there wasn't one. When I pulled away, she was staring at me. "Tay? Are you okay?"

Instead of saying something, she leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my mouth. She pulled away, a disheartened look on her face, like she was waiting for me to berate her; I didn't. My lips crashed into hers harder than I bang snare drums. Her hands went to my hair and I threw her against my car. 

"Do you - wanna - come inside?" She breathed between kisses. I did my best to nod without interrupting more of the action. We paused to get to her front door, unlock it, and get up the stairs to her room.

Once we were in it, she tossed her wallet, phone, and keys onto her nightstand. She threw her jacket at her closet; I threw mine onto the floor. Then, she threw herself at me. There was a lust in her actions that I have never felt before. I enjoyed it, but why? Why now? What the hell happened with her and Jenna? I had to pause our activities again once she started unzipping my pants.

"Tay, slow down."

She glared at me. "Why? Don't you want me?"

"Well, yeah, but I still want to know what happened." I placed my hands on top of her hands, which were grabbing me by my belt loops. "Look, whatever we're doing right now, I don't want this to happen if it means you are cheating on Jenna. Did you guys break up?"

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