Chapter 3 - Drive

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[Jess's POV]

Tay: Jess. Just because I didn't want to hang out with them, doesn't mean I want to be alone. I just didn't feel like it. Okay?

I tossed my phone across the bed. I didn't know what to feel - am I supposed to be happy that it's not my fault? Or maybe it is, and she's lying to make me feel better. So should I be upset? Pissed off? What do I do? It seemed like I always found a way to upset her whether I mean to or not, and I never mean to.

I picked my phone back up.

Me: Stephen.

It took a little while, but he replied.

Stephen: Yes hello. It is I: Stephen.

Me: Haha wow. So um... can I hang out with you guys?

Stephen: Sure, NOW you wanna.

Me: I knowww. I'm sorry. Is it still cool if I do?

StephenJess omg. You know you're always welcome at our house.

Me: :) Be there soon.

I slipped my shoes on and a jacket. I grabbed my car keys off of my nightstand. I raced out of the house and to my car. I tried not to drive too fast, but it's hard not to speed when you're in one of those moods. I almost wanted to turn around, go home, and just play the shit out of my drums. I should have done that instead of bothering the guys.

I park in front of the Gomez house and approach the door. Stephen must have been waiting for me at the window because it flew open the second my foot landed on the porch.

"JESSICA!" he shouted. He threw himself at me. He wasn't very heavy, but he did it with enough force to knock me over.

"Jesus, Stephen. What gives?"

"Nothing, I just thought you could use the enthusiasm." He helped me up. 

"Well, thanks. I kind of did."

"I know." He smiled. "Hey, so, is it okay if Lynn is here?"

I gave him a confused look. "Why?"

"Well, I just don't know if that is cool with you or not since- "

"No, I get that part. I meant why is she here?"

"Oh. She and John got paired together for some history project. We figured that she could just hang out here since she's waiting on Alexa."

I continued to look at him, still a little confused. "... Waiting on Alexa for... ?"

"I think she's giving her a ride to work? Not sure. I didn't really ask because it's not my business and I don't really care! Not to be mean, it's just not something that's important."

"I understand." I followed him inside and up to their room. The stereo blasted Something Corporate and I could make out the lilt of Lynn's laughter. We entered the room to see Lynn hanging upside-down off of Stephen's bed and John on the floor, scribbling away in a notebook.

"Jess!" They exclaimed simultaneously.

I smiled. "Hey John," He got up and hugged me. "And Lynn, what's up?"

"Just... hanging around." I rolled my eyes at her.

 "We'll be in the kitchen if you guys need anything." Stephen informed them. He grabbed his phone off of his desk and ushered me back down the stairs. I took a seat at the kitchen table and he sat next to me. "So..." he said, clearly unsure of what to do considering I said I didn't want to hang out and then came over anyway.

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