Toph used her bending to see Aang, "I don't think people want to see two little girls fighting!" Aang shook his hands from his side, "Oh no. I don't wanna fight. I want to talk to you." Sokka booed, "No talking!" Katara reached over (Y/N) to hit her brother's arm, "Don't boo him!" Toph stomped her foot down to make the rock beneath her to shoot up. However Aang avoided the attack by hovering up, to then go to his right. Toph moved her head a little as she tried to find out where her enemy had gone. Aang landed back on the ground for Toph to look in his direction, "Somebody's a little light on their feet! What's your nickname?! The Fancy Dancer?!" Toph repeated her first attack, just for her to lose Aang once again, "Where did you go?" Aang landed behind her, "Please wait-" Toph turned around, "There you are!" 

Toph raised a large rock in front of her and sent it at Aang. Just for the boy to send a large wave of wind knocking the rock to the side, as well as Toph out of bounds signaling her lost. Toph began storming off for Aang to run to the side of the ring, "Wait! Please!" Toph kept walking, "Whoever you are just leave me alone!" She made a hole in the wall, to walk through, and bring the wall back up. Katara and Sokka cheered to then look around, "Where did Haruki go?

Meanwhile outside Toph stormed out as she mumbled, "So he can just stay in the air. Light on his feet. Stupid Twinkle Toes." She stopped though when she felt (Y/N) in front of her to her right, "Hey Haruki." [If you don't remember that is your made up name] (Y/N) held out his hand to show a bag, "Here." Toph took it to take whatever was out of it as it smell good, "You didn't have to get me a dumpling. You need to save your money." (Y/N) began eating his own dumpling, "It was only a few copper pieces. Plus you need fuel after a fight." Toph took a bite of her dumpling, "I can't believe I let that twerp beat me. I should of just knocked him off as soon as he walked on." "Eh, things happen." "You could be on your way by now with all of that money." (Y/N) put his arm around Toph's shoulder, "That is true. But then who would be here to annoy you everyday." Toph chuckled as she punched (Y/N)'s arm, "If you left I'd finally have peace and quiet." The two continued walking for (Y/N) to not notice a wanted poster of him on a store. They soon reached the little camp (Y/N) had made in the forest.

(Y/N) reached into a tree trunk and pulled out a large sack, for Toph to cross her arms. (Y/N) reached into the sack, "You know that if you don't wear these then your parents will catch onto you sneaking out." Toph let out a sigh, "Yeah yeah. Just give me the robes." Toph put on her royal robes over her street clothes for (Y/N) to begin doing her hair the way her parents wanted it. It took a while, but Toph soon looked like she never left. Toph looked upset, "I hate these clothes." Toph and (Y/N) then went to the outside of the palace walls for Toph to just stand there, making (Y/N) confused, "Are you gonna go in?" Toph looked upset, "Twinkle Toes is on the other side." "What is he doing here?" Toph created a hole in the ground to jump in leaving (Y/N) alone. 

Meanwhile inside the walls of the palace Aang, Sokka, and Katara were hiding behind a bush as they looked around for any guards. Toph came up from the ground and quickly put an end to team Avatar's sneaking, by bringing the earth beneath them up. The three were sent flying up to land in three separate bushes. Toph walked up to Aang, "What are you doing here Twinkle Toes?" Aang looked up, "How did you know it was me?" Sokka quickly looked in their direction, "Don't answer to Twinkle Toes! It's not manly!" Katara stood up out of the bush, "Says the one whose bag matches his belt."

Toph to kept her eyes on Aang, even though she was blind, "How did you find me?" Aang used his air bending to hover off of the bush, "Well a crazy old king told me that I had to find an earth bender that listens to the earth. And then I had a vision in a magic swamp." (Y/N) then hanged from a tree using his legs to look at Toph, "Are you sure that you didn't hit him in the head during your fight?" Toph looked at him, "I might have." Katara tried to defend Aang to where he did not sound crazy, "What Aang is try to say is that he's the Avatar. And if he doesn't master earth bending soon he won't be able to defeat the Fire Lord." Toph put her hand in front of Katara's face, "Not my problem." Meanwhile (Y/N) was sweating as he looked at Aang, 'The Avatar?! That little kid? Does that mean that Zuko is on his tail, or has he not seen him?' 

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