Meeting The Team

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was waiting for Toph in the stands as he watched another fight in the underground fight club. As the match continued someone walked up to him, "Hey is anyone sitting here?" (Y/N) looked to his right and up to see boy near his age with brown skin, dark brown hair with the sides cut and the middle put in a ponytail at the end, blue eyes, as he also wore water tribe clothes. (Y/N) looked around as there was plenty of seats that were this close to the arena with nobody sitting in them. (Y/N) looked at the boy, "Nope, take a seat." With the excited look in his eyes the boy sat to his left.

Not soon after a girl near his age with brown skin, long brown hair, blue eyes, and also wore wearing water tribe clothes as well walked up next to him. Next to her was a younger looking boy with pale skin, no hair on his head but a blue arrow, a straw hat, grey eyes, and clothing that (Y/N) had never seen before. The girl looked at the boy who was dressed the same as her, "Sokka you could of slowed down. We almost lost you on the way here." Sokka looked at her, "Sorry Katara, but you have to understand. This is a place where people just battle it out. Nothing holding the fighters back. It's amazing and I want to see as much as possible."

(Y/N) looked at Sokka, "You a fan?" Sokka looked at him, "If it involves fighting then of course!" Katara looked down at (Y/N) to then sit to his right, "Sorry if my brother was annoying before we got here. I'm Katara." She then gestured to the other boy who took a seat next to her, "And this is Aang." Aang held out his hand, "Hey, it's nice to meet you." (Y/N) shook his hand, "Same to you. I'm Haruki." He then shook Katara's hand for the girl to smile, "Good to meet you." He then went to shake Sokka's hand, but Sokka just waved his hand, "Yeah yeah nice to mee-" He then stood up, "Yeah destroy him!" Sokka seemed really invested in the fights. Katara frowned, "Sorry about him, he's really irritating." 

As Sokka sat back down he looked around, "Why does no one else sit here?" (Y/N) grabbed his arm to pull him closer for a boulder to land right next to the four. (Y/N) let go of Sokka, "That's why." The fight soon ended for Xin Fu get up on a podium, "Now is the moment you've all been waiting for! The Boulder versus your champion! The Blind Bandit!" Toph came up onto the ring as she held up a champion belt. Some women then took the belt so that she could hold it during the fight. Katara raised an eyebrow, "She can't really be blind right? It's just a part of her character." (Y/N) shook his head, "No she's really blind." Sokka pointed his fingers down, "She is going down!" As he said that The Boulder pointed at Toph, "The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a blind little girl!" Toph pointed at him with a smile, "It seems like you're scared Boulder!" "The Boulder's over his conflicted feelings and is ready to bury you in a rockolanche!" "Whenever you're ready! The Pebble!"

With this The Boulder slammed his right foot down and brought his other foot up. Toph did a quick movement of bringing her hands to her side and rising her right hand. She quickly brought her right hand down making the earth in front of her go towards her opponent, but turned left to go under The Boulder's foot. It kept going making him turn and do the splits putting him in massive pain. Sokka went from happy to confused, "Wha.." With that the match ended for Xin Fu to speak, "Does anyone else wish to fight the champion?!" The crowd was silent for him to jump down next to the little girl, "To make things interesting I will throw in this sack of gold piece to whoever can beat The Blind Bandit! What, no one dares to fight her?!" (Y/N) watched as nobody got up, making him happy as if Toph ended with a win it would be enough to get him to Ba Sing Se.

He then saw Aang walking onto the ring for him and the siblings to look to their right and then back at the ring. Sokka stood up as he cheered, "Kick her butt Aang!" (Y/N) did the same, "Show him whose boss Blind Bandit!" Katara stayed seated with her legs and arms crossed, "Why do boys get riled up over these things?"

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