The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]

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No One's POV

It was early in the morning as Sokka and (Y/N) were checking all of their maps to make sure that their plan would work with the landscape one more time. Katara handed them each a cup of tea, for the boys to graciously take them. Aang jumped off of the comfy bed his friends made him, to land on his feet with a smile as Momo landed on his shoulder, "Good morning Momo." Katara looked at Aang to see that he no longer had bags under his eyes, "It looks like you slept well." "Like a baby moose lion. I'm ready to face the Fire Lord." Toph was sitting on a rock as she kicked her legs back and forth, "So what's your strategy for taking the Fire Lord down? Going to get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar state action." "I can't. When Azula shot me with lightening, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the Universe." "You know what I just heard? Blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo, blah-blah something about space." The group then spotted a large fog coming towards the island for Katara to become worried, "Oh no. Do you guy think the fog will delay the invasion?" Sokka stood up, "No, that is the invasion." 

A bunch of ships came to the shore, as Toph and Aang used earth bending to make a few docks. All of the passengers got off as the gang said hello to a bunch of familiar faces. Like a group of swamp people, a bunch of men from a village that Katara inspired to stand up against the Fire Nation, which was a bit awkward when Katara introduced (Y/N) to them. The fighters that held him, Toph, and Aang hostage were also there as they decided to help them in the invasion as they wanted to fight for their kingdom. Last was an inventor with his son in a wheelchair, and two freedom fighters. The inventor made some inventions from the blueprints that Sokka sent him. (Y/N) was standing on one of the docks for him to hear a very familiar sound coming from one of the boats. Sokka's dad walked up next to (Y/N), "One night when we stopped for food, I thought that I may have recognized a friend from your stories. So I said his name, and he came running towards us."

An ostrich horse then jumped off of one of the boats, to look at (Y/N), and quickly run towards him. (Y/N) smiled as he held his arms out, "Rody!" The animal stopped when he reached (Y/N) to rest it's head on (Y/N)'s shoulder as the boy wrapped his arms around Rody. The group walked up to them for (Y/N) to turn to them, "Oh guys-" He then stood next to Rody as he gestured to him, "this is Rody. Rody, the gang." The group said hello for Sokka's dad to speak up, "Sokka, everyone is off the ships. It's time to tell them the plan." 

A few minutes later everyone was sitting in front of a quickly made small stage, as team Avatar and Hakoda sat next to the stage. Sokka was standing on the stage as he held a bunch of maps. Everyone put their eyes on Sokka, for the boy to gain stage fright as he started shaking a little bit, "Um, so, as you know, today we're invading the Fire Nation. I mean I know you know that. Because otherwise why else would you be here." He then dropped all of his maps to quickly pick them up and hang them up on a board with one of them in front of the others, "The Fire Lord's palace is here." He looked at the map, "Un no, uh wait." He started flipping through the maps, "Uh wait, uh wait." He then reached the last map for it to be the right one, "It's here. And, uh, there's an eclipse today and Aang's going to fight the Fire Lord. And the fire benders won't have any fire to use, so that's good for us. And um- I'm sorry let me start at the beginning. Katara and I discovered Aang frozen in an iceberg. Now I didn't like Aang at first, but I grew to love him over time, then we went over the the southern air temple, where Aang used to live, and then we met Suki, who is a Kyoshi Warrior."

Katara was watching her brother crumble from his stage fright, "Wow, when he says beginning, he means the beginning beginning." Sokka was still recapping the events of the last year, "-got Haru arrested, and then now he's grown a mustache. Which if you look through the front-" Hakoda walked onto the stage, "Thank you, Sokka." He put his hand on Sokka's shoulder, "It's okay, why don't you take a break." Sokka walked off of the stage as Hakoda turned to the crowd, "Let me just clarify a few points for everyone. Today is the day of Black Sun. And I want to thank you all for your self sacrifice and your courage. There are two steps to the invasion. A naval stage and a land stage. To gain sea access to the Fire Nation capital, we have to get past our first major obstacle here." He pointed at the map where the opposite sides of the island came close, making a narrow pathway through to the main shoreline of the island, "The great gates of Azulon. Next we hit the land and we hit hard. We must fight past their battlements and secure the plaza tower. Once we do that it's up to the royal palace. At that point the eclipse will begin."

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