The School

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No One's POV

Team Avatar was flying on Appa as they used a cloud surrounding them to blend in with the sky. They started to descend as Aang looked around, "I think I see a cave below." Sokka quickly looked at him and put his finger over his mouth, "Ssshhhh! Keep quiet." When they got close enough to the ground Aang shot air around them to make the cloud go away. Appa then landed for Sokka to be the first one to jump off, "Great job with the cloud camo, bit maybe next time let's be a cloud that knows how to keep it's mouth shut." The rest of them hopped off for Toph to look at Sokka, "Yeah maybe a bird will hear us and turn us in." Sokka quickly looked at her, "Hey this is enemy territory." He then pointed above him, "Those are enemy birds." One then rested on his head for the rest of the group to chuckle. 

The group started walking to the cave for Sokka to over exaggerate as he started rolling around, going against the walls, and scouted every area. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him, "Sokka, this part of the fire nation is full of nothing but civilians and a few guards. Plus they're all a few miles from here. Nobody is going to find us." Sokka pointed at him, "Hey, you can never be to careful." He then checked all of the cave, "Welp. This is how we're gonna be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave, after cave..." He then hung his head, "after cave." Katara tried to cheer her brother up, "Sokka we don't have to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes." Aang nodded, "Yeah blending in is better than hiding out. If we had Fire Nation disguises we'll be just as safe as if we were hiding in a cave."

Toph plopped herself down on a rock, "Plus they have actual food out there. Does anybody want to sit on the dirt and eat cave poppers?" She then hit the wall making a bunch of tiny frogs come out for Momo to start grabbing them. Sokka crossed his arms, "Well where are we going to get disguises?" (Y/N) held up a finger, "I know a way. As long as you guys don't mind stealing a little."

A few minutes later the group arrived at what seemed like a washing shack where a bunch of clothes were hanged out to dry outside. (Y/N) was the first to see it to look back at the group, "Hah. I knew that there had to be one." The rest saw it for Aang to look concerned, "I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody." Katara quickly ran to the clothes, "I call the silk robe!" She grabbed them for Aang to think about it, "Well if it's for the sake of our survival. Then I call the suit!" The rest of the group grabbed their clothes to run and start getting dressed. When they were done Aang tied a headband on his forehead, "Ta Da! A normal kid." Toph groaned, "I should probably wear shoes, but then I won't be able to see as well." She then sat on a rock to take her soles off, for them to hit Sokka in the face.

(Y/N) straitened his suit to look at Aang, "Ya know our outfits are a little similar." Aang looked between them, "Really?" "Yeah, I feel like I've seen them before to." Before (Y/N) could think of it Katara then walked around the corner, "How do I look?" Aang looked at her stunned to then notice something, "Um, your mom's necklace." Katara took it off, "Oh yeah, I guess it makes it pretty obvious that I'm from a water tribe."

They started walking towards the village for (Y/N) to stay near the back with Katara to rub the back of his neck, "Hey, uh... I had no idea that necklace was from your mother. If I did I wouldn't of kept telling you to-" Katara looked at him, "It's fine. You didn't know." It was silent for (Y/N) to look at her, "So, is your mother waiting at home or-" "No. My mother died when I was little." "I see. Let me guess, Fire Nation." "Yeah." (Y/N) nodded for Katara to put the necklace in her pocket, "How's your mom?" "She left without saying goodbye." "Oh." Toph then spoke up, "We're getting near a large group of people. I'm guessing a village."

The five made it to the village to go to a shop and purchase a few accessories. Katara bought a red and golden necklace with a red jewel, Toph got a golden crown like head piece, Sokka got a ribbon to tie his hair into a small bun, (Y/N) got a belt to put his knives in the holes using his over shirt to hide them, while Aang hid Momo in his over coat. Aang looked at his four friends, "I used to visit my friend Kuzon here a hundred years ago. So everyone just follow my lead. Stay cool. Or as they say in the Fire Nation stay flamin." As Aang walked out with a stride the rest looked at (Y/N) who shook his head, "We do not say that." They then followed Aang for the young boy to pass a man, "What's up my fellow hotsman." The man shrugged, "H-Hi." (Y/N) walked past, "I'm so sorry." Sokka shrugged for the four to continue following Aang.

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