The Party

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No One's POV

(Y/N), Azula, Zuko, and Ursa we're all in a carriage as they were all dressed in suits and dresses. Azula tugged on the piece of fabric around her neck, "Why do we have to go to this stupid party if father doesn't have to go?" Ursa licked her thumb to rub off a piece of dirt on Zuko's cheek, "Because your father is a very busy man, so we have to represent him as the Fire Lord's family." Zuko tried to avoid his mother but failed to just let her clean his cheek as he looked out of the window, "So we sailed through waters just to give fake smiles and pretend to have a good time." Azula folded her arms, "Just like every other party."

Ursa tried to lighten the mood by looking at (Y/N), "I bet you're excited to see Ty Lee again." (Y/N) blushed a little as he gave a smile, "It has been a while." Ursa then looked down at Zuko, "Mai will also be there." Zuko gained a tiny hint of red on his cheeks as he was looking out of the window, "The party might not be that bad." Ursa then looked at Azula, "You must be happy to see your friends again." Azula kept her arms folded to say, "I guess that it has been a while since we last met. They must miss me." All the kid's moods were lifted as Ursa smiled.

An hour later the four arrived at the palace holding the party, for (Y/N), Azula, and Zuko to be reminded to keep their backs strait, always keep a smile, and to be on their best behavior. When they walked in they were greeted by many random faces staring at them as a man called out their names. (Y/N) was a little tense for Azula to whisper, "Just a few more seconds and they'll stop staring." And just like that everyone went back to what they were doing for the three children to split up as their mother had conversations with other important mothers or fathers

(Y/N) scanned the area as he walked, for Ty Lee to walk behind him, "(Y/N)." He turned around to see Ty Lee in a puffy red dress with the red ribbon in her hair. She had her usual bright smile, "It is good to see you again." Just seeing her made (Y/N) smile, "I'm glad to see you again too." Ty Lee then looked like she remembered something to lift the sides of her dress and bow at (Y/N). This made (Y/N) scratch the back of his head, "What are you doing?" Ty Lee stood strait up again, "My mom said that I should bow when I see someone with more power. It's my first time at a party and that's what she said to do." "Well you don't have to do that with me because we're friends."

(Y/N) and Ty Lee were now walking around the party saying hi and bowing to any adult that spoke to them. As they explored the large party room in the palace they were greeted by another girl their age. They all bowed for the young girl to look at (Y/N), "You are (Y/N), second son of the Fire Lord correct?" The boy nodded, "Yes." She then gestured to two other girls who seemed to be her friend, "We were wondering if you would like to chat with us. We would love to hear about what life is like at the Fire Lord's palace." Ursa told (Y/N) that it was best to accept an invitation to any conversation, so he accepted.

However when he went to walk toward the other girls Ty Lee went to follow. The girl who first introduced herself stopped Ty Lee, "We were just inviting (Y/N). I'm sure that there are other people that you can mingle with." Ty Lee looked a little sad as she held her hands with her smile fading, "Oh okay, I guess I'll-" (Y/N) was then standing next to her as he kept his smile, "Actually my mother told me that I have to go find my brother, so I can't stay and chat. Thank you for the invitation though." He grabbed Ty Lee's hand and waved with the other, "Bye." Before the girl could say anything the two were gone as (Y/N) led Ty Lee randomly through the party, for Ty Lee to gain a tint of red on her cheeks from the two of them holding hands. They soon stopped for (Y/N) to turn to Ty Lee, "I think that we lost them." He then saw Ty Lee's face red to look down and saw that he was still holding her hand. He quickly let go to become a little flustered, "S-sorry." Ty Lee had a smile as she looked down a little, "It's fine."

The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar The Last Airbender x Male Reader) [Hiatus]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt