The Fall of The Earth Kingdom

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No One's POV

Toph was smiling at (Y/N) and Iroh, "It's good to see you two again." Sokka looked at Toph, "Great, so you know two people who are related to the Fire Lord." (Y/N) and Iroh walked in for Iroh to stand in front of them all, "Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se." Aang looked at Iroh, "She must have Katara." (Y/N) walked up next to his uncle, "She also has my brother." 

Aang looked determined, "Then we'll work together to save Katara and Zuko." Sokka quickly interrupted the three before they continued their conversation, "Woah now." He then pointed at Aang, "You lost me at Zuko." Iroh hung his head a little, "I know how you must feel about my nephew." He then put his hands on Sokka's shoulders to smile, "But believe when I tell you that there is good inside him." Sokka backed up, "The good inside him isn't good enough. Why don't you come back when there's good outside of him too."

Aang stood in front of Sokka, "Katara is in trouble. Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance of saving everyone here." Sokka was quiet for a second to nod as he knew that Aang was right, "Alright fine. But how are we going to get them. We don't know where they are." Toph then felt someone outside, so she stomped the ground to trap them by surrounding them with concrete. The group opened the door to see a Dai Li soldier. (Y/N) crossed his arms, "I guess he followed uncle and I. Lucky us." The Dai Li soldier struggled to get unstuck from the slabs of concrete trapping him, but it was useless. Aang put his fore finger and thumb on his chin, "So how are we going to get him to talk?" Toph just stomped the ground, "I could crush him." Sokka pulled out his boomerang, "I can hit him with this." (Y/N) showed his kunai, "I've got a knife." Toph nodded, "Okay so we crush him, beat him, and stab him. Who wants to go first?"

The soldier thought that they were bluffing, but quickly changed his mind when the three started to decide who would go first by playing a game. Toph won for her to make a small boulder come out of the ground, which was enough to make the soldier talk, "Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup. They're going to overthrow the Earth Kingdom." Sokka brought his boomerang up to the soldier's face, "My sister. Where are they keeping Katara?" "In the Crystal Catacombs of old Ba Sing Se. Deep beneath the palace." Sokka lowered his boomerang for (Y/N) to raise his kunai, "Where is Prince Zuko?" "They put him down in the Crystal Catacombs as well." (Y/N) and Sokka sheathed their weapons as Toph dropped the bolder behind the soldier. The group then quickly headed to the palace leaving the soldier stuck between concrete. 

The five snuck close to the palace for Toph to get on one knee and put her hand on the ground, "Well what do you know, there is an ancient city down there. But it's deep." She then created a large hole in the ground for Sokka to put his hands on his hips, "We should split up. Aang you go with Iroh to find Katara and the angry jerk." He looked at Iroh, "No offense." Iroh shrugged, "None taken." "And I'll go with (Y/N) and Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula's coup." Aang nodded, "Sounds good. Be safe everyone." Him and Iroh started going down the tunnel as Aang made it deeper for the other three to begin walking up the stairs to the throne room with Momo following them by flying above them.

When they reached the top Sokka spotted someone walking walking out of the throne room towards them, "Hey there's General How." (Y/N) and Sokka then saw silhouettes on the pillars. They looked around to see multiple Dai Li soldiers as they were waiting for the general. Sokka grabbed Toph's wrist for the three to go to their left and hide behind a pillar with Momo landing on (Y/N)'s shoulder. When the general got close enough the Dai Li ambushed him to chain up his wrists and bring him to the ground. (Y/N) and Sokka saw this happen to go fully behind the pillar. Sokka hit the palm of his hand with his fist, "The coup is starting right now. We have to hurry to the Earth King."

The three snuck past the Dai Li to reach the throne room to run towards the King as he sat on his throne, for there to be two Kyoshi warriors next to him. Sokka let out a breathe of relief, "Thank goodness we made it in time." The King raised an eyebrow, "In time for what?" The Kyoshi warriors turned around to show their faces for (Y/N) to recognize them and vise versa. (Y/N) threw a knife at each of them for the girl to dodge. Sokka recognized them as well to bring out his boomerang, "They're both Fire Nation!" (Y/N) nodded, "Ty Lee and Mai." Mai grinned as she stood up from dodging (Y/N)'s attack, "So you remember us. How sweet." She then threw a barrage of kunai at (Y/N) and Sokka, but Toph put a small wall of marble in front of them blocking the attack. She then brought the wall up and sent it at Mai. Mai jumped over it to land with Toph raising the ground beneath her sending her flying.

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