14- jealousy

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So I was with Erik. Kind of. Not officially, but we slept together a lot. It was good to know I had someone to turn to when Dean was constantly with Ginny. Disgusting.

"Y/n, you're staring again," Draco nudged me and I looked away from Dean's back.

"Can't help it. He's with that filthy ginger." I stabbed the piece of chicken on my plate and shoved it into my mouth.

"I know. Stupid git doesn't know a good girl when he sees one." He slung his arm around my shoulder just as Dean turned around. I quickly turned and kissed Draco, and he eagerly kissed me back. When I pulled away I saw Dean fuming as he turned back to the Gryffindor table. "What was that for?" He asked stupidly.

"Just because. You're real attractive Draco."

"Glad you finally noticed." He adjusted his robes with a bigger air of confidence. "About time."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my dinner. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I saw Seamus.

"Hi Seamus," I smiled tiredly. He was the one Gryffindor who actually still liked me that I liked back.

"I have something to tell you y/n."

I stood up and followed him to an empty corridor.

"Alright what's it you gotta tell me?"

"You need to promise not to tell anyone. I can explain more, but just come to the Room of Requirement tonight after dark. I know you're on that... squad or whatever... but it's important. Please."

"Okay. I will Seamus. Can you tell me anything else?"

"No. Just trust me."

He walked off and I wondered what he could possibly be talking about.

That night, I bid goodnight to everyone and snuck out of the Slytherin dorms and walked until I found the Room of Requirement. I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

"Today we'll be... bloody hell!" Harry screamed when he saw me. There was a huge group of students watching Harry talk.

"So, uh, what is this?" I called out, waiting for an answer.

"Who invited the snitch bitch?" Someone shouted.

"Aye shut up! I invited her!" Seamus yelled, calming the crowd. "She's not like the rest of them. It's just as important that she learns this as much as us! She's not immune from You-Know-Who!"

"She's also not on our side! She's with the bloody dictator!"

"I was just told to show up! I have no idea what's going on!" I shouted, about to cry. "I don't even know what to do in this case!"

"I'll talk to her." The crowd parted. Dean. He walked over and led me to a corner.

"So, er, this is what we call Dumbledore's Army."

"Do you like fight in here or something? Because I don't want to be beat up just because I'm on the Inquisitor's Squad."

"No no no, not a physical army. A magical army. We aren't learning shit in Defense Against the Dark Arts, so we're learning important magic from Harry. I, uh, told Seamus to tell you about it because you deserve to learn this stuff too." He looked shy, rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact.

"So, it's basically a real Defense Against the Dark Arts club?"

"Well, yeah. I guess."

"And you want me to be a part of it?"

"Of course. I mean, you could be like our inside woman ya know? Spy on the Slytherin who have Death Eater parents and whatnot. But that's not the only reason I invited you." He stumbled on his words, trying to take back what he said. "It's just a bonus, you know? You deserve a real education just like the rest of us. And I know you won't tell on us. I trust you y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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