1- the introduction

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"Y/n! Hurry up you're going to be late for King's Cross!" your mum yelled.

"Coming mum!" you yell back as you scramble to get your things into your trunk. Organization was never your forté. But it was your first year at Hogwarts so you wouldn't dare be late and miss the train.

You grabbed your trunk and owl cage and grabbed a handful of Floo Powder.

"King's Cross!" you shouted before going up in green flames. You walked further into the station, coming up to platforms 9 and 10. You push your trolley over to the brick wall where there was another family standing.

"Remember son, just run through and you'll be absolutely fine. You won't crash unless you want to," a man chuckled at his son. He turned around to look at me and the second our eyes met something in me felt weird. There was this boy staring at me with curly black hair, brown skin and eyes and I was staring back. It felt like forever before his father put a hand on his shoulder and ran with him through the brick wall. I watched him disappear and wondered who he was. He was obviously a wizard because muggles can't get to Platform 9 3/4, but other than that I knew nothing about him. Except for his face. Even when he was gone, I still pictured him in my mind. I snapped out of my daydream when my father lightly kicked my trolley, sending me charging through the wall.

There it was. The big scarlet steam engine. The Hogwarts Express. I looked for the brown-skinned boy, but he was nowhere in sight. I subconsciously frowned but quickly moved on when I saw my one friend.

"What are you doing standing around Y/n? By the time you get on the train all the compartments will be full and you'll have to sit with filthy mudbloods," Draco Malfoy sneered, earning a nod of approval from his father.

I never liked Draco much. His family had always seen blood status as the most important thing in the world, and he was no exception. The only reason I tolerate him is because our parents work together at the Ministry of Magic, so we were each other's only source of entertainment. I hoped coming to Hogwarts would finally change that.

I rolled my eyes at him and lugged my trunk into the train. I started walking around looking for a place to sit, hopefully next to the boy I saw earlier. I found his compartment and walked in nervously.

"Hi, um, I don't really know anyone here, could I, uh, sit with you guys?" I stuttered out. Great. My first time talking to the cute, mysterious boy and I was already making a fool of myself.

"Sure, if you don't mind talking about muggle sports!" the pale faced, freckled boy across from him exclaimed. I sat down next to the boy and smiled. "My name is Seamus Finnigan. Half blood."

"And I'm Dean." He finally spoke. His voice was deep for someone who hadn't hit puberty yet. His lips curled into a smile, but not a devilish sneer like I'm used to seeing with Malfoy, but a genuine, nice smile. "Dean Thomas."

"My name is Y/n. Nice to meet you." I was cheering inside my head. I knew I spoke confident enough to not show how distracted I was by Dean. There was something about him that drew me to him, something I knew I couldn't ignore.

We chatted all the way to Hogwarts, talking about some muggle sport called football and then Quidditch. Seamus didn't seem to into Quidditch, but Dean looked like he was hanging onto every word I said. Once we arrived at Hogwarts, We both stood up and tried to walk out at the same time, brushing our hands against each other. I pulled back and watched him continue walking, smiling back at me. I smiled back until Seamus elbowed me telling me to move. The three of us got into a boat and it started moving across the lake by itself. I heard the boys whispering about something, but I couldn't quite make it out.

The Sorting Hat. This will decide who we spend the next seven years with. I watched Seamus get called up and placed in Gryffindor. My heartbeat quickened when Dean was called up. After about 15 seconds, the hat yelled out, "GRYFFINDOR!" and my heart sank. My entire family has been Slytherin, so there was no doubt I would be too. When my name was called I knew it would be proven. I sit down and the hat is placed on my head.

"Ahh, looks like we've got another rich, pureblood. But you're difficult, difficult. You have characteristics from every house, and have a leaning for a certain boy in Gryffindor. I know where you go... SLYTHERIN!"

The hat was taken off, but I sat there shaken. The two friends I had just made were in a completely different house. The enemy of my house. Now we were destined to hate each other. I ran off to the Slytherin table where Malfoy patted me on the back and congratulated me. But deep down I just wanted to cry. My chance of escaping Malfoy for Dean was gone. My only hope was having classes together. And even I knew that that was unlikely, even more unlikely that we'd get to work together or sit next to each other.

I held that little ray of hope in my chest all night, all the way until I was lying in my dorm, staring at the ceiling, praying for a wink of sleep. But every time I closed my eyes I saw his face. The disappointment he had when I was sorted into Slytherin. Not being able to talk to him at every meal about Quidditch, or playing this muggle game he said he liked called Uno, or even just hearing him laugh. Tears threatened to escape my eyes, yet as I tried to blink them back they disobeyed me. They flowed down my face and I cried myself to sleep.

that brown skinned boyWhere stories live. Discover now