7- the day after

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mellow spice warning 😃👍

It took forever to get out of bed. I didn't want to leave. I'd have to face Dean, I'd have to face Erik too after he learned about our seven minutes. God, Dean was such an idiot. A stupid, jealous idiot. At least I could talk to Seamus. But he's going to stick with Dean. So that leaves me with one option... Draco.

"Merlin, y/n you look tired. Long night? I could've made it better." Draco threw his arm around my shoulder and for once I didn't throw it off.

"Long, yes. Shitty, also yes. So for once I feel like a true Slytherin, because Gryffindor is stupid as fuck."

Draco's arm left my shoulder and he placed his hand on his thigh. He lightly traced higher up until he was at the hem of my skirt. I shot him a look but he just smirked and continued. Before I knew it, he had reached my underwear and was pulling it to the side. He slipped his fingers inside me and I jolted, gaining attention at the table.

He leaned over and whispered, "Don't go exposing yourself now." I clasped my hands together tightly and tried to talk to Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey about Quidditch, stuttering every now and then with a sudden thrust of Draco's fingers.

He then pulled out his fingers and said, "Y/n and I are off to study for Potions. Don't catch up." He grabbed my hand and led me to an abandoned corridor. He pushed me up against the wall and started massaging my breasts. He kissed my neck and started to leave hickeys. For some reason, I just let him. He began to rub me through my underwear, and I accidentally moaned, "Fuck, Dean."

Draco quickly pulled away. "Did you just call me that disgusting half-breed? I thought you finally came to your senses and realized who the right choice was, but obviously I'm quite wrong. See you." And just like that, he stormed off, and I was alone in the corridor, having just lost the last person I could've talked to.

I leaned back against the wall and slowly slid to the floor. All because of that stupid game, I lost everyone. Then Erik came around the corner.

"Y/n?" He looked around before spotting me on the ground. He jogged over and knelt down beside me. "Are you okay?"

I didn't say anything before bursting into tears and hugging them. He hugged me back and let me sit there.

"I'm really sorry about last night, y/n. I got jealous when I saw you with Dean and I wanted to assume he was hurting you so that I wouldn't have any competition. But looking at you, it's pretty obvious I'm going to. You're a beautiful girl, y/n, and I want to make sure you know that. I want to make it up to you. Will you meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight?"

I sniffled and nodded. He sat down beside me and we talked for a while, but not about anything specific. What it's like in Bulgaria compared to Britain, what it's like not going to an all boys school, and everything in between. It was nice. I was so tired from last night I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder, and I woke up to him carrying me back to my dorm.

He laid me on my bed and I grumbled, "Stay." And he did. We laid together and just cuddled, and I fell asleep on him again. If he fell asleep too, I wouldn't have known. But it felt nice to have someone back. Someone who I had a chance with. Because I knew now that Dean was long gone, but Erik was right here.

time skip :)

I spent the rest of the school year hanging out with Erik. He was there to comfort me when no one else was, especially when Cedric died. We used to be really close, but then as the years went by we drifted. But it didn't make seeing his dead body hurt any less. But Erik was there for me. He became my everything. We were practically dating but never made it official. But eventually, it was time for the other schools to leave, which meant goodbye to Erik.

I said goodbye to all his friends, which in a way had become my friends too. When it came time to say goodbye to Erik, I couldn't take it. I began to cry but he lifted me up in his arms and hugged me tight. I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him as hard as I could. He then kissed me and put me down as he walked back to the huge ship taking him and the rest of the boys back to Bulgaria. I noticed he stuck something in my pocket and in it was his address, inviting me to spend the summer with him. He said he had a Floo network, so I could go anytime I wanted. This summer I could actually be happy and spend time with someone other than my owl.

I waved until the ship took off and then sighed. I was alone again. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and heard, "Thank god that douche is gone. I have my girl all to myself again." It was Dean. I looked up at him quizzically and all of the sudden he grabbed my face and kissed me.

"I love you, y/n. Don't spend your summer with that Bulgarian bitch, spend it with me. Please." I nodded and he picked me up and spun me around.

"But wait. Why did you ignore me the entire rest of the year?"

"I wanted to get you alone to confess my feelings. But you were always with Erik so I figured why not do it when he left."

"Fair enough. Does this mean I can call you Dean Bean now?"

"Not in the slightest, y/n. So will you spend the summer with me?"

"Of course."

And I was pulled into another kiss and heard people cheering all around us. I saw Seamus and the rest of the Gryffindor whooping and yelling, "It's about damn time!" I laughed and Dean shouted, "Everyone, this is my girlfriend, y/n!" and the screams erupted again.

I was finally with the boy I loved since first year.

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