12- detention

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God I hated being on the Inquisitor's Squad. It put me in such a bad mood, it actually made me do my duties. Boys and girls weren't allowed within eight inches of each other, and since Dean refused to talk to me, I got angry and jealous whenever I saw a couple, so I waved my wand and forced them away from each other.

Everyone was starting to hate me now that I didn't hang out with the Gryffindors. Well, everyone except the Slytherins. I spent most of my time with Draco, Blaise, Erik, Marcus, and Adrian. At least they didn't shut me out.

"Yo! Y/n!" Erik called. "Squad's going to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeer. You coming?"

"Yeah, just let me get my coat," I answered.

"Allow me." He grabbed my coat off the hanger and held it up, letting me put my arms through before setting it on my shoulders.

"It's cold, you should probably get your scarf too," he whispered, not lifting his hands from my shoulders.

"O-okay..." I reach to grab it and he takes it from me, gently wrapping it around my neck. He gives it a little yank before smirking and walking off.

"You coming or not?" I quickly followed him and met up with the rest of the Inquisitor's Squad. We were walking down to Hogsmeade when I saw Dean slip into the Hog's Head.

"Hey, I'll catch up on a few. I'm going to grab a chocolate frog." Everyone believed me and went into the Three Broomsticks and I slipped into the Hog's Head.

They were forming their own club, sort of like an army. Harry was going to teach them real defensive magic instead of whatever Umbridge was teaching. I listened to their whole meeting, and watched everyone sign a piece of parchment before leaving. Dean was the first to sign. I tried to walk away before he saw me, but I was too slow.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He hissed.

"I s-saw you going in and I w-wanted to talk to you..."

"What did you see!"

"N-nothing! I promise!"

"Don't. Fucking. Lie." He gripped my wrist tighter.

"You're hurting me Dean!" I yanked my arm away, rubbing the spot he hurt.

"If you tell anyone what you saw, especially your Snitch Squad, I'll never talk to you again."

"It's not like you're talking to me now anyways. I find myself lucky to be speaking with you right now!"

"Then let the luck end here." And he walked away. I stormed away to the Three Broomsticks.

"Bloody hell where were you y/n?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah, we thought you got kidnapped or something," Marcus snickered.

"They were out of chocolate frogs. I asked them to check the back and they were still out. So I'm pissed." I plunked down in my seat and grabbed the mug of butterbeer.

"Y/n's been racking up points for Slytherin," Draco boasted to the few Ravelclaws who made the squad.

"Separating any and every couple in her sight!" Erik chuckled.

I gave a weak smile and continued to drink my butterbeer. Then someone burst through the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an abundance of pink and nearly gagged.

"Y/n!" The shrill voice called out. Umbitch. Yikes.

"Yes, Professor?" I responded flatly, not looking up from my mug.

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