[ IV ] crossed paths

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Shuhua's eyes shot wide open as her alarm annoyingly rang. She sluggishly sat up and swiped her messy hair out of her face. 6:00 am and the winter morning still seemed like midnight.

The girl stretched her arm to reach her phone that was on the bedside table. She sighed as she took a glance at the date.

"Monday morning.. the definition of hell." She mumbled to herself and tossed her phone onto the soft mattress.

School has been her most dreaded part of her life. Nothing ever happens to her or her surroundings. It's only a complete cycle of waking up, going to the most boring classes, coming home to do work and then sleeping until she had to do it again.

Not to mention that she doesn't like to show herself around others, fearful of the things they could say to hurt her even more than they already did.

As she got over procrastinating on whether to get ready, she finally got out of bed and started her morning routine. Washing her face, making sure to hide the deep bags under her eyes and controlling the swelling of her eyes. When she finished, she came out looking like nothing ever happened, like a facade to cover up the despair.

After she got out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, she realized how dark her small apartment was. The curtains blocked every bit of the golden rays of winter daylight.

Shuhua didn't really want to open every single curtain, so she decided to open the biggest ones that were covering the balcony door.

As she spread the sheets away from each other, the rising sun of dawn filled the whole room. It made the girl smile for the first time in ages.

"Maybe I should do this more often" She smiled at the pink and orange sky.

The Taiwanese girl grabbed a small snack and hoisted her backpack over her shoulder and walked out the door feeling the slightest bit better than the night before.

Soojin, on the other hand, woke up later than expected since she "accidentally" slept though her alarm. She hated these types of missions, going undercover and blending in with mortals. With an awfully moody attitude waking up, she got ready in no time at all, looking flawless as a result.

As she went downstairs to grab some breakfast, there was a piece of her favourite toast along with a backpack waiting for her on the table.

"Wow, she was nice enough to leave a piece of toast for me." She chuckled to herself, referring to Minnie who seemed like she left a few minutes ago.

Other than the bag and the toast, she found a piece of paper that was neatly folded. When she opened it, it was the thing she didn't want. The class schedule.

"Language Arts and practical dance? That isn't so bad." She said as she inspected the paper.

Soojin was only a spy, so she didn't feel the need to try hard to blend in.

She folded the paper back up and then shoved it into her backpack before heading out.


I arrived at the front of the school and a wave of regret just washed over me. I knew I shouldn't have gone to school.

It felt like everyone's eyes were on me. But I trained my brain to imagine giant x's crossing out their faces.

Just as I was about to go to my class, I heard a familiar voice shout behind me.

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