[ VI ] distant

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After Shuhua and I's time together, I felt warm inside. I won't admit it to her, but she brought out a certain happiness from me. I was having the best time until it was getting super late so I had to continue to walk her home.

As we got outside, a freezing cold draft blew into our faces, taking away the warmth in our bodies after drinking the hot chocolate supremes. Luckily for us, the snow calmed down a bit and was falling ever so slowly. I looked over to my left and Shuhua's face was turning red from the cold. She was all snuggled up in the coat that I gave her. I have to get her home as soon as possible.

"Jinjin look! It's like I'm smoking." She said as she showed me her visible breath.


"Shu, are we almost to your house?" I asked her, "we might get sick if we stay out here any longer."

"Oh yeah, we're just five minutes away —not even." She replied.

As another conversation was occurring, I suddenly felt this strange aura coming near us. My body became stiff as I frantically looked around for someone that looked suspicious. It was an unfamiliar power.

"Unnie? Are you okay?"

There it was again, it was getting closer even stronger too. It felt like a strong force was pulling me towards them. This power... it's overwhelmingly powerful.

If I don't do something, we could get into some serious danger.

"Unnie? Are you oka-"

"Shh, d-don't move."

I pulled both of us into an alleyway and pinned Shuhua to the brick wall as I covered her mouth with my hand. Her eyes widened and she was breathing heavily. There was only the sound of our racing heartbeats between us. I can't handle this pressure. If they find us, there is no way we can both make it out alive. I'm basically shaking this point.

We stayed in that position for a few minutes until I waited for the aura vanished.

As I let go of her, she slumped over to catch her breath.

"Unnie... what was that?" She asked as she panted.

"I'm sorry, someone was following us." I apologized.

"O-oh... L-let's keep going." She stuttered and walked off ahead of me.

Five minutes of pure silence later, we stopped at this big building which I assumed was her apartment.

"This is the place. Um, thank you for walking me home." She said.

"No problem, I guess." I said awkwardly, "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah... see you tomorrow." She smiled a bit.

Just as I was about to leave, I forgot to say one more thing.

"Shuhua wait."

She turned around and looked at me with a curious expression.

"Thanks for the drink. I had fun." I told her.

"Let's do it again sometime okay Jinjin?" She giggled.

I nodded and waved goodbye as she walked into her building. As I turned away, my smile was gone and had turned into a serious expression. The thought of someone coming after us like this made me clench my fists. I knew I would be putting Shuhua in danger like that, yet I went through with the whole idea.

That's it, I need to deal with this seriously this time.

Third Person

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