[ XIV ] teamwork

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"Welcome to the Lion's Den, Ms. Seo Soojin."

The void turned into a dark cave setting. In the 'center', lied Yeo One sitting with his legs crossed under a faint light.

"You're in my domain now. There's no way you'll escape." He told the woman.

Out of all the demons she fought, only a select few could trap her in their own Abyss. She's been able to break out of them with little to no difficulty, but to have her energy drained wasn't going to work out for her.

"In about ten minutes, all of your life energy will be gone. Causing you to die a slow and somewhat peaceful death. Though, you might die sooner since I'll crush you to pieces." He informed.

"Thanks for the information, dumbass." Soojin rolled her eyes, "you should swallow your pride if you really think trapping me here will make you win."

"I mean, it's hard to do that. After all, I am the pillar of pride." He told her so confidently.

"I should really be surprised, but I'm not."

"Man, you really have the guts to say that before you die." Yeo One sighed, "You're just a cold-heartless bitch aren't you?"

"Pretty much." She admitted, "now since we're stuck here... I need to ask you some questions."

"Why should I?" He raised his brow.

"I'm going to die anyways, so you might as well answer." She convinced the demon as she took a seat on the bizarre floor.

The man rolled his eyes and gestured her to talk.

"Since you're an "almighty" pillar, what is your actual objective? I mean, you wouldn't come raid a university without a motive, right?" She questioned.

"I was just told to go here and kill humans. I don't really know why though." He simply replied, "I heard that whoever kills the most humans gets to feast on cursed blood."

"Cursed blood? Tell me, who told you about that?" She asked as she felt like she was getting close to finding out an actual answer.

"I don't really know the name of the guy, but he really pissed me off 'cause of how he talks. All high and mighty." He gagged just think about that said someone.

"Oh yeah me too. I know someone just like that." She indirectly insulted the demon.

"Do you know what he looks like?" She added.

"Not really, I didn't care to notice." He shrugged, which earned a groan from the woman.

"if this is how it's going to be, i might as well die." Soojin sighed.

After travelling around the school, Shuhua met up with Minnie and explained everything that happened. In full determination, they started to run back to where Shuhua last was before she ran for help.

"I can't sense her energy anymore." Minnie said as they sprinted down the hall.

"D-do you think?" Shuhua panted as she tried to keep up with the girl.

"I don't know, but there's no way she's going down without a fight." She assured her.

Then, the young girl remembered the last thing she said to Soojin.

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