Chapter 1 - Paranoid Russian Lady

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*This book is mainly in Third Person POV to help relate everyone's emotions and story*

Megan saw herself back in that wretched nightmare that made her scream in terror every night, the fear gripping her so painfully that she would be paralyzed for hours at a time, just lying in bed and replaying that horrible memory. She stood in that same place in New York, the glistening bronze train track behind her as a lone whistle ran chillingly into the air. She looked back to see her brother walking out on the track, her mom behind him as the train came hurtling towards the two.

Her brother's body and blood splattered all over her face as she dropped down to her knees in pain and cried. But unlike other nights, when she would wake up from this terrifying nightmare, tonight she saw Kronos walk towards her. "What do you want?" Megan hissed in a hoarse voice and Kronos shook his head sadly, "I want to tell you that someone could've prevented that." Megan looked up at him, "What?" Kronos nodded, "Yes, someone from your team could have prevented the death of your family, but they didn't because they thought it better to let them die and to let you join the team."

Megan fell back on her behind, her staggering emotions causing a painful tightening in her chest, "No, you're lying." "I'm not, I have proof too." "What proof?" Megan asked but she was jolted awake by Steve's voice as he shook her slightly. "Shhh, it's just a nightmare, Meg. You're alright, you're with me." Megan slowly opened her eyes to see Steve holding her tightly in his grasp, smoothing back her hair as he rocked her. "I saw... I saw him die." Megan cried.

Steve nodded in understanding, pressing kisses to her hair and holding her until she fell exhausted onto the bed. "We have a mission in Lagos tomorrow morning, so get some sleep." Steve whispered and Megan nodded, letting herself be enveloped by the soft and warm bed.


"Miss Brooks?" "UGH. What do you want FRIDAY?" "Captain Rogers is requesting your presence in the quinjet, they're waiting for you." Megan jumped out of bed, instantly awake, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." "Miss, do you need any assistance?" "No. Actually yes, FRIDAY, tell Steve I'm on my way." The A.I. gave a beep of confirmation as Megan rushed around the room, getting her suit and clothes.

Steve paced the quinjet, cursing himself for forgetting to set the alarm, Megan ran into the jet in her underwear, holding her clothes and suit in hand. "Meg, I think you forgot something." Megan looked up at Steve as she hastily threw her clothes onto her seat, Natasha helping her by laying them out. "My clothes? Yeah, well someone didn't wake me. Besides all of them have seen me in less." Steve looked around to see all of them, even Sam nodding in agreement. "I assumed you needed your rest. And Sam, you've seen her naked?" "Steve! We have a mission, at least wake me up on those days." Steve put up his hands in surrender, "You're absolutely right, I'm sorry."

Megan sighed, nodding, she let Natasha help her wear her coat as she pulled up her jeans. Natasha wrapped the belt around Megan and pulled tightly, securing it. Suddenly a searing pain erupted in Megan's stomach as she fell to the ground, clawing at the belt and trying to remove it. She threw the belt away and laid down on the cold floor, breathing heavily. Wanda knew what was up, she knew that the belt pressed into Megan's seemingly flat stomach which actually held her 8 months baby in there.

While Megan's appearance might've shown that she was as slim as always, Wanda knew better, the woman was 8 months pregnant and determined not to let Steve find out. "Meg, you ok?" Steve asked in concern as he kneeled down beside her. "Yeah, I think I drank too much last night." Megan started with a small smile, she sat back up and breathed heavily, "You know, maybe I won't wear the belt, these clothes alone are good enough for undercover, right?" Steve nodded, still looking concerned, "Absolutely." Megan stood up shakily and sat down in her seat, strapping herself in.

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