Chapter 18 - Dr. Harleen Quinzel

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About a month later, a guard mumbled something to himself as he walked over to Tony and pushed open the door, "You're free." he muttered sadly. Tony stood up so quick that blood rushed to his head, he stared at the guard, "I'm free?" The guard grunted, "Apparently Mrs. Rogers pulled some strings and made a deal with Ross. You're free to go." Tony sighed, knowing that Megan had probably made some sort of deal that impacted her heavily to get him out of this prison. "Ok, thanks." Tony grabbed the small machine he had been working on and slowly walked out, over to a black helicopter that was waiting for him.

Ross was standing beside it, a firm scowl on his face, "Listen, you better not do any shit otherwise I'll go all William Hurt on your ass." Tony nodded slightly, "I'll be on my best behaviour." Ross grunted, "Get him out of here." He mumbled.

***"So what'd it cost you?" Megan turned back at the sound of Tony's voice and she let out a small sob, throwing her body into his open arms. "Dad?" "I'm here sweetheart, I'm here." Megan pulled back, looking at him, "Baby, I need to know what deal you made with Ross, he's ruthless, I hope you know that." Megan nodded, "I promised him we'd give up 'avenging'." Tony sighed, "You don't want to give up avenging." Megan shrugged, "Steve and I were thinking... maybe."

Tony nodded, understanding her, he smiled but his smile dropped just as quickly once he saw Bucky and Natasha walk in, his arm thrown over her shoulder. Tony froze and stood rigid, Bucky looked up and relief flooded his eyes, "Stark." He nodded, "Barnes." Tony replied. "Oh boy, you boys play good... for Megan." Natasha mumbled and the two nodded. "I think I can live with the one-armed wonder." Bucky smirked slightly, "Yeah, tin man here isn't that bad."

Megan took Tony's hands and walked him over to the couch, "Nat, can you tell the rest of 'em that Tony's home." Natasha nodded, "I think I can do that." She smiled and rushed out of the room. Within five minutes, the team was sitting around Tony on the couch, some crowding onto the plush carpet. "So..." Steve started, everyone looked up at him, sitting beside Megan. The team couldn't help but notice that Steve and Megan didn't kiss each other anymore, not on the lips at least, they barely touched each other and that was probably due to the horrible tragedy they had to face.

"You're back." Tony nodded, "Yeah... I'm back." "Cool." The two men sat there quietly in their spots, mulling over their own thoughts that drove them into despair. "Killed any more of my children lately?" Steve muttered, not being able to help himself. "No... knocked up any more of my daughters and then cheated on them recently?" Steve scoffed, "Nope, just the one. Tell me, how does it feel to be a horrible father?" "Oh I wouldn't know, why don't you enlighten me, since you clearly have experience." "Heh, yeah but not as good as you. Knocking up a 15 year old and then giving your child away to the most horrible family you could." "At least I didn't sleep with her best friend."

"No, you only fucked her mother and then left her in the hospital." "I don't remember you being there, you were probably sticking your tongue down other women's throats." "I know something you can stick your tongue in..." "Huh, you know I just remembered you stuck something else in other women too, didn't you. Just can't keep it in your pants." "THAT'S ENOUGH." The two men looked up at Megan, who had fat tears welling in her eyes. "I lost a child and you two are... are fighting like toddlers, I can't believe I thought you two could be capable of being empathetic. You two are just selfish men aren't you, selfish men that are worried about their goddamn fragile ego's. Well, fuck you, seriously." Megan stood up and walked off leaving the entire team shell-shocked.***Megan crossed her arms over her chest, "I don't see why I have to be here, Buck." "You're hurting too, trust me this therapist is good." Megan snarled, but didn't say anything. She looked out the window of the waiting room, peering into the outside world. Bucky laid a hand on her thigh and she looked up into his exotic blue eyes, "Trust me." Megan nodded and gently laid her head on his cold, metal shoulder. It was a relief to have the frigid cold of Bucky's metal arm against her burning skin.

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