Chapter 25 - The Delivery

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Megan walked back into the compound, holding her tummy and waddling in slowly, she looked down and sighed, her stomach was way too big for 3 babies, she suspected it was the super soldier serum that gave her a freaky big stomach. She walked over to the couch and sat down, tired and exhausted and out of breath already. She hated feeling so completely useless, she focused on her breathing and felt the couch dip beside her, "Maybe you should go rest, we'll clean up." She looked over at Scott gratefully, kissing his cheek, "Thanks."

She got up and was making her way to the door when FRIDAY's voice blared out, "Mrs. Rogers, I suggest you sit down." "Why?" Megan asked, "I sense a change in your internal composition." Megan furrowed her brows, "English, FRIDAY." "I was speaking English!" The A.I. fired back sassily, "I mean, you-" "Woah, Meg you're leaking." Sam spoke, cutting off the A.I. and Megan looked down to see a pool of liquid around her, "Oh shit..." She spoke. "OK, OK, HOSPITAL BAG." Sam was clearly panicking and Megan sat down on the nearby bar stool as she felt her contractions, she was in labour, alright.

"WHAT BAG?" Wade yelled, "THE ONE STEVE PACKED, FUCK. PARKER, ORDER A CAB." Peter nodded, looking frightened as he dialed the cab and Megan screamed in pain, "No time... I don't think I can make... make it to the hospital." Megan screamed out in pain again and Scott grabbed her, he helped her lie down on the floor, "Breathe, focus on me." He said, but Megan couldn't, she could feel herself ready to give birth and it was freaking her out.

"HEY."Scott snapped and Megan's eyes flew open, looking over at him, "Me, my voice, just me." He spoke and Megan stared at him, "In," Megan took a breath in, "Out," she took a breath out. They continued this pattern and Sam ran to the room, looking at the two crazily, "What the fuck are you two doing, out, let's go." Megan grabbed Sam's shirt, "I can't-" "You can baby, you know why? Cuz you're the damn strongest woman I know." Megan nodded and Scott and Sam helped her up as they walked towards the door.

Suddenly, FRIDAY's security alarm blared out and Megan froze, the lights started to dim as they were programmed to if an intruder came in. Megan tried the handle on the door, finding it locked and she had forgotten how to override the alarm. The entire compound now had steel walls covering it and Megan's couldn't go anywhere. She was suddenly scared for her and her babies' safety. "Sam," She whispered calmly, "Find the intruder please." Sam gulped and shook his head, "Wade and Peter will, I'm not leaving you." Megan bit on her lip to keep from screaming in excruciating pain, "Scott's with me, find the intruder." She begged.

Sam nodded, he looked at Scott firmly, "Not a scratch on her, otherwise I will kill you." Scott gulped and nodded, "I'll take care of her." Scott helped Megan to the living room floor, behind the couch where she was obscure from anyone's vision. "That was my bad, I tried to open the window to allow air and when I flipped the window lock, the alarm happened." Megan stared at Sam, Wade and Peter who were standing there and she hissed at Wade, "You idiot, the alarm doesn't override for another 2 hours, I'm going to have to deliver them here."

"You can't!" Peter spoke, his voice shrill with panic, "I can assist." FRIDAY spoke and Megan nodded, "Thanks FRIDAY." "Sooo... she's going to do it." Megan shook her head, "No, one of you is going to do it, she'll tell you how to." Sam shook his head violently, his eyes wide, "No way." "SAM, I WILL MURDER YOU. You thought I was scary before, pregnant me is like... the girl from the ring scary." Sam blinked. "Mr. Parker?" Peter looked up, as if the A.I. was God, "Uh... yeah?" "Please get sanitized towels, blankets and baby blankets along with a small tub filled with warm water." "Uh... ok?" Peter walked off to get the things, "Mr. Lang, I assume you're performing the delivery?" "I am?" Scott looked at Megan's face, the pain was evident, "I am. Ok, I am."

Scott took a deep breath, moving down towards Megan's skirt and he sat inside her ankles, "Right, I can do this, no biggie." "Mr. Wilson." "Yeah?" Sam and Wade spoke, FRIDAY hesitated for a little while before she spoke again, "Mr. Sam Wilson, as this is a home birth, and a very painful time for Mrs. Rogers, both you and Mr. Wade Wilson should give her moral support." Sam nodded frantically, "Right." He knelt next to Megan on her right side as Wade knelt on her left, "You wanna hold my hand?" Megan whimpered and nodded, tightly latching on to Sam's hand as Wade pushed back her hair soothingly.

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