Chapter 20 - Walking in on Tony

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4 months later...

"There better be a good reason for disturbing us this early in the morning..." Megan smirked at her dad, "There sure is." She paused waiting for Nat and Bucky to join her and Steve in front of the team sat on the couches. "Me and Steve are getting married in a week." The team smiled, happy that the couple finally got their wedding, Tony's mouth fell open, eyes welling with tears. "My baby girl's getting married." Megan nodded and he smiled at her.

"But wait, there's more." Natasha announced as the voiceover on an advertisement, "Me and Buck have decided to get married with them, a double wedding." Everyone stared at the two, "Are you sure? You two have only been dating for six months..." Wanda mumbled and Bucky nodded, "Yeah, but I've never been more sure about anything in my life as I am about marrying Nat, I love her." The team cheered, congratulating the two happy couples. Maria stood to one side, smiling as she watched the couples but also slightly jealous and lonely, her eyes flitted up to meet Pietro's who was watching her intently. His eyes raked down her body as he licked his lips and she blushed, quickly looking away.

"Um... there's one more thing..." The team looked over at Megan with excited faces, "Me and Steve put an offer on a complex in Brooklyn and we got it, Nat and Buck got the one below us..." The excited expressions dropped as the news hit the team hard. "You're moving?" Rhodey asked quietly and Megan bit her lip, nodding. "I know this is hard-" "Hard? Hard? We've lost so much, we thought maybe, just maybe, we could begin to live together as a family... what happened to the family, huh?" Sam asked with a hint of anger in his tone.

Megan smiled sympathetically, "Sam, we're going to be newly wed couples, we need some time to be alone." Sam shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry, ok?" Sam didn't look at Megan and Tony sighed, "Hey, birdhead," Sam looked up at him, "She's my daughter and if I'm alright with her leaving, then you should be too." Sam looked as if he wanted to argue but then he bit his tongue, taking a deep breath and strangling Megan in a tight hug.

Megan laughed as he held her close and put her down, kissing his cheek, he looked over at Steve, "Hurt her again and I'll make sure you won't be able to have kids." Steve gulped and nodded, Tony walked over as well, "Hurt her again and I break your... everything." "Message received fellas, never hurt Megan." Megan smiled at the interaction and then wandered off with Wanda, Natasha and Maria to settle the wedding details.


Megan had looked everywhere for Tony, all the wedding details were in place, perfectly matching Megan and Natasha's wants. They were having the wedding a little ways in the forest, wooden benches and floral decorations were going to be set up, she looked out to see the boys already setting up the benches and the arch. Although, she still had to ask Tony a very important request, especially now that he was a more fatherly figure in her life.

Wanda breezed past her, holding a clipboard in one hand and a headset sitting on her reddish-brown hair, Megan grabbed her arm and Wanda halted, looking at her with excited glowing red eyes. "Wands, have you seen Tony?" Wanda shook her head, "Nope, I'm trying to tell those idiots how to do things right." she muttered, pointing towards the boys working outside. Megan stifled a laugh, Wanda was so dominant and charging, as soon as she and Maria were requested to be the maid of honours, they got to work... everyone was scared to get in their way.

Megan watched as Wanda walked outside, walking over to Wade and smacking him upside the head as he placed a bench on the wrong side. She laughed slightly and then rushed off to find Tony, "FRIDAY, location on dad?" Megan said as she practically ran into the elevator, trying to calm her jumpy nerves. "He's in his room Mrs. Rogers, he's requested to be left alone." Megan sighed, pressing Tony's room's floor button, "No can do FRIDAY, just don't tell him I'm coming, alright?" "Yes, Mrs. Rogers."

Megan rushed off towards Tony's room and used her fingerprints to get into his room, the sight in front of her burned her eyes. Pepper was below Tony, moaning uncontrollably as he kissed her neck and... well Megan didn't want to look any lower. "OH MY GOD." They both jumped, hearing Megan's voice and scrambled to cover themselves with the blanket as Megan closed the door and ran off. "You think I scarred her for life?" Tony asked Pepper and she stifled a smile, "Oh, honey, you did that when she found out you were her dad."

Megan ran off outside, running straight into Steve's chest as his big hands held onto her upper arms, "Woah, Meg, you ok? You look like you saw a ghost." Megan struggled to breathe through as she bit down on her lip, "I am definitely not ok..." Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he led her to a beautifully carved wooden bench and sat her down on it, "What's wrong?" Megan looked up at Steve's face, her expression showing disgust and shock, "I just saw my father having sex." "Oh..."

Wade who was nearby had heard the conversation and he fell down onto the floor, literally, laughing loudly. Megan growled at him, "It's not funny." "Oh it so is... you saw your dad getting down and dirty." "UGH."

A short while later, Pepper and Tony came running out, fully dressed in clothes as they ran over to Megan. "We're so sorry you had to find out this way." Pepper started, "You're back?" Steve asked and Pepper nodded, "Yeah." "Pep, I love you, but I can never unsee what I saw today." Megan shuddered and Pepper nodded, "I know, sorry kiddo." Megan stood up, shaking her head, "No, no. I'm not a kiddo, no we were friends, you are not my step mom, you're still my friend." Pepper nodded, holding up her hands, "Ok, yes, I'm just your friend."

"Now that I'm back... I suggest we get this wedding planning on the move. FASTER BOYS." Pepper shouted and Wanda looked over wide eyed at Megan, she sent her a message in her mind, "This bitch! I'm the planner!" Megan laughed and tried to send her own telepathic message to Wanda, "Calm down, you both can be planners." She heard a huff in her mind and Megan looked at Wanda, blowing her a kiss.


Megan looked out at the sunny weather, pouting, today was supposed to be her wedding day, but stupid Tony with his stupid new accords signing. She was grateful, grateful that Tony was trying to get her and the team off the hook, but she was still upset. Steve came up behind her, holding her waist and turning her around, pressing her up against the window and Megan squealed, he kissed down her neck and Megan moaned as he sucked on her sweet spot. "Steeeeve, get off." Steve pouted slightly, but nevertheless he got off of Megan, "What's wrong?" He asked and Megan shrugged, "Nothing... I just-"

Frantic knocks were sounded on the door and Megan looked at Steve, raising an eyebrow, she opened the door to see Nat and Bucky standing there with shit-eating grins on their faces. They walked in without waiting for permission and Megan smiled when she saw Steve rolling his eyes, "Please, do come in." He said and Natasha nodded, "Thanks, Rogers." Steve shook his head, she saw Natasha sit in front of him on the bed and even though she and Bucky were there, she still panicked, a small thing that happened to her every time Steve and Natasha even interacted.

"What can we do for you?" Megan chirped, leaving her thoughts behind and going to stand next to Steve, his arm automatically wrapping around her waist. "Well... are you two thinking of having children again?" Megan bit her lip and looked at Steve whose body had gone rigid, "Maybe, why?" Natasha took a deep breath, "Well... there's no easy way to say this but... we want to have a baby." Megan nodded, smiling, "That's amazing, you two totally should but why am I inv- oh..."

Natasha nodded, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to... just... you once told me that you could be my surrogate and I..." Natasha trailed off, looking at Megan's face. It was stoic, not portraying any emotion yet her eyes ruined that, they were broken and they held so much pain, Natasha felt like an idiot. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up-" Megan held up a hand, she looked at Steve who was looking down, probably thinking over things. "Can I?" He looked up at Megan, "Meg, it's your body... but, are you sure you'll be okay with this?" Megan pursed her lips and nodded, "Positive, I need this. I need to do this so I can assure myself that I... that I can have kids someday."

Steve nodded, "Well... I guess it's settled then. I'll talk to Cho, see if she can perform the insemination." Megan nodded and looked over at Natasha who had tears welling in her eyes, "You don't know how much this means to me. I'll always be in your debt-" Megan shook her head, her own tears starting to approach, "You helped me... hopefully I'll get over my fear once I see your baby come out safe and healthy." Natasha nodded, hugging Megan tightly, Steve clasped Bucky's back, "Way to go man, just last month you were talking about kids, I'm glad you're finally happy." Bucky nodded, "I am too."

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