Chapter 29 - Bromanrogarnes

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Natasha's heart was pounding loudly, the sound booming in her ears and disturbing the small piece she had internally. She was sitting on the plane, waiting for it to take off, she was terrified, beyond her mind. Alex, he was growing at an accelerated pace, would that mean that his childhood would be stripped away from Natasha. She realized a terrifying thought, that would mean in order not to miss a single milestone, Natasha would have to be with Alex 24/7. Could she do that? Leave her life behind?

Even if she couldn't, she would have to, for her baby that she loved the most in the world and for Megan, who went through hell to give her that baby. Natasha leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, trying her best to keep her emotions in check and tears at bay. Bucky's hand fell on top of her own and she looked at him gratefully, "We'll get through this, we always will." Natasha nodded, biting her lip and drawing blood, she let the metallic taste fill her mouth and bring about a sort of peace to the anxiety-ridden situation.

She looked over at Megan who was taking it worse than her, her makeup was smeared under her eyes and streaming down her face. Her hair was looking unkempt, her nails digging into her palms and her black blood dripping down onto her thighs. She was biting her lip hard, several places on her plump lips were also scathed. She was whispering something to herself with her eyes shut tightly.

Her eyes flew open as she saw Natasha approach her, "You best talk to Bucky, he needs his friend." Steve's eyes flew to Megan's, a silent question of if it was okay to leave her? Megan nodded subtly and he sighed, he got up and walked over to Bucky. Natasha sat down on Steve's seat, putting her hand over one of Megan's clenched ones. "I'm sorry." Megan whispered and Natasha looked at her, "Sorry? For what?" Megan tried not to let her lip or voice quiver while she spoke, but her emotions were currently getting the best of her.

"For... for carrying Alex and making him..." Megan broke down, holding a fist in her mouth so that her sobs weren't noticed. Natasha pursed her lips, she didn't want Megan to be in pain, Natasha would be eternally grateful to Megan. "Meg, look at me." Megan looked up at her, "I couldn't have kids and you gave me a beautiful child, I will never be able to pay back that huge favour, I will always be in your debt. It doesn't matter if Alex has powers or is enhanced, I don't want him to be, because heroes never have the best lives, but I will still love him and you for giving me him. Don't fret over this... don't blame yourself, because I sure as hell don't."

Megan looked at her gratefully, Wanda walked over to them, crouching down so that the flight attendants didn't see her. "This may not be the time... but... do you have a Wattpad?" Megan shook her head, her hands slowly relaxing as her attention was diverted elsewhere, "What's a Wattpad?" "An online platform for books, young and upcoming authors usually kick off their careers there." Megan raised her brow, "Ok... and?"

"And," Wanda started, her excitement barely contained, "There's Captain Fatale fanfiction on there, lots of it too." "I'm sorry, Captain who?" Wanda chuckled slightly, "Captain Fatale... it's your and Steve's ship name." Megan looked appalled as she stared at Wanda, "Seriously?" Wanda nodded, "Oh yeah. I'm currently on the fourth book of a series about Captain Fatale. The book's called "The Accords", it's really good." Megan slapped her forehead, "What?"

"Yeah, it's steamy too, also," Wanda leaned in as if she was about to tell a secret, "The book ships Bromanrogarnes hardcore." Megan blinked several times, "Who?" "You, Natasha, Bucky and Steve's ship name." Megan sighed loudly, rubbing at her temples, Wanda held a finger up, "Listen to this."

"She took purposeful strides towards Natasha, she grabbed her face with one hand and her waist with her other arm, pulled the redhead in close and gently pressed her lips to Nat's. Natasha responded back eagerly, kissing Megan and running her hands through Megan's silky hair. Megan pressed up against Natasha's body, getting as close as she could possibly get, she gently bit on Nat's bottom lip and Natasha moaned." Wanda read and bit her lip as she was doing so.

Megan held her hand up, "Alright, that's enough book porn for me." Natasha shook her head, "Not for me, send it my way." Wanda smirked and nodded, she walked back to her own seat and Megan glanced at Natasha, "People ship us?" Natasha was going through her phone, "Apparently, you wanna know who they ship you with?" "Do I?" Megan asked skeptically and Natasha laughed, she was trying her best to keep Megan's attention on this rather than the predicament that was driving her mad.

"Yeah, now listen, there's Bromanoff or Femme Widow." Megan wrinkled her nose, "Weird but go on." "There's Winter Fatale, Captain Fatale, Bromanrogarnes, which is my favourite by far." Megan snickered, "Scarlett Fatale, Scarlett-Widow-Fatale." Megan pursed her lips, "Of course they want all three of us together." Natasha nodded, chuckling, "There's even Strooks, or Iron Fatale." Megan looked appalled as she stared at Natasha, "That's disgusting." Natasha nodded. "Wow, apparently people ship you with a lot of people." Megan shrugged, "Well then."

"Oh... no, no, no." "What?" "There's... Logan." "Logan?" Megan asked, and Natasha bit her lip, "Loki and Megan." Megan sighed heavily, looking out the window as she remembered what Loki had told her in his last breaths, "OMG." Megan looked over at Natasha, "Shhh." Natasha stuck her tongue out lightly, "I found Clintasha book porn." Megan scrunched her nose in disgust, "Oh no, no." "Not just Clintasha... HawkFatale too." "Oh no." Megan shook her head, "That will never happen. I mean have you seen how hung he is, I could never handle that." Megan joked.


Tony startled when he heard Megan run through the doors to the babies in their playpen, she picked Brooklyn and James up, kissing their faces, she put them down and grabbed Rain and Edward, kissing them as well. She put them down and picked up Alex, kissing him too, Tony watched with fascination as she repeated this, going through each baby at least seven times until Steve walked over and picked up Brooklyn and Rain. "Is Mommy smothering you?" Steve asked in a high-pitched and cuddly voice, "Shut up." Megan growled. "Language, there are babies around."

Once Megan had her fill of each baby and was assured that they were completely fine, she rushed off to see Helen. Helen was in her lab, looking at the babies' body date that she received through the tests on her computer. She turned around when she heard Megan running towards her, "Helen, tell me what's happening to them." "Ok, breathe." Helen said, watching as Megan took a seat next to her and took a deep breath. "The babies, they're growing at a doubled accelerated rate, meaning they're growing 2 years in one."

Megan nodded, "I know that, any signs of any other enhancements?" Helen shook her head, "not yet, but it's only a matter of time." "Not necessarily." "I mean their parents are three people that have been used as scientific guinea pigs and a goddess." Megan sighed loudly and rolled her hand as if to say, keep going, "What's interesting is that the babies only have 21 chromosomes..." Megan's brows furrowed, "I'm sorry?" Helen nodded, "Yeah, they only have 21 chromosomes, they're supposed to have 42... but-" Megan cut her off, "I don't have DNA."

"Is that another joke I don't understand?" Megan shook her head, "No, I'm serious. Gods and Goddesses don't have DNA." Helen pursed her lips, "Then... how are you..." "Through powers. I know, it's weird." Megan shook her head, "Nevermind that, just tell me this, does that mean my kids are demi-gods?" Helen thought about it for a while, "Seems like it." Megan sighed. "Right... ok." "Are you alright?" "I think so... but that doesn't matter, will they be alright?" Helen nodded, "Oh yeah, they heal so quickly and did you know they have sparkly gold and silver blood?" Megan's eyes shot up, "What?"

Helen nodded, she got out a vial and showed Megan, indeed the blood was sparkly and it was silver and gold, "See." Megan nodded, her mouth dry, "Helen... can... can you make these kids fully human somehow?" Helen shook her head, "No, I can't. I'm sorry Megan." Megan nodded numbly, she walked back to the main room where she saw Steve, Natasha and Bucky playing with the babies, laughing as the kids tumbled around. Megan's eyes teared up, because of her, her kids lives were going to be taken away from them.

Later that night, Steve held her in his arms and let her cry into his chest, "they're going to be okay Meg." "You don't know that." Steve pressed his lips to her forehead, "I do, because I know you are the best mother that you can be, and I know you'll try your best to keep them safe." Megan sighed, sniffling, "That's right. Never underestimate a mother's love, the lengths a mother is willing to go for her children." Steve nodded, "Exactly, my love."

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