Chapter 28 - Lesbian Dancing in the Club

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"Don't be such a stick in the mud." Bucky was brooding and Wade had had enough of it. "C'mon man, it's your birthday." The intimate group of friends sat 'round a booth at the club of the hotel they were staying at, which was breathtakingly beautiful and gave off rich vibes, the JW Marriott. Yeah, the author knows her states and hotels, what, did you think she was stupid?

Anyways, Bucky was brooding because one, he hated to celebrate his birthday, and two, he certainly didn't need to celebrate it in Vegas. If not for his wife, he wouldn't even be here, he'd be in bed at home, with her, preferably naked. But he was sort of excited as well, he knew that Steve and Megan and Nat and his rooms were adjoined, and he knew that the exhilarating experience he had in Fiji would be reenacted.

He especially couldn't wait to punish the two desirable women him and Steve were married to. He and Steve had been planning the way they would punish the two the whole day after struggling through the two women's public teasing. Megan stirred her Vodka drink, lost in thought, she dipped her one of her olives into the glass and sucked the juice off of it before running her tongue over it and ingesting it. She looked up at Steve and Bucky who were watching her intently, Steve leaned over and caught a sliver of Vodka that was dribbling down the corner of her mouth with his thumb and sucked on it.

Megan gulped under his intense gaze, "So, we haven't really talked about stuff." Sam began, breaking the consuming silence, "Uh yeah." Megan replied, looking at him instead of Steve. "How are you doing with finding out about Tony?" Megan sighed, "I don't know... I mean he abandoned me, but now he's trying to be a good father. I guess I gave him a second chance because my whole life, I had craved for fatherly or motherly affection and I never received that." Sam nodded.

"Is that why you're so attached to the babies?" "That and... I just want to be a good mother, I don't want to lose them because of my stupidity like I did baby Howard." Wanda bit her lip, "I think you're going to be a great mother." Megan looked up at her and smiled, "Thanks." Megan shook her curled hair, grabbing Natasha's hand, "We're gonna dance, ok?" the group nodded and resumed their conversations.

Natasha pulled Megan close on the dance floor, "They're not looking, Nat." "Let's get 'em to look then." Megan smirked and nodded, "Follow my lead." Natasha turned Megan around and used her hands to gently remove her hair from one side of her neck. Nat attached her lips to Megan's neck and gripped her waist painfully tight with her hands, "Grind." She growled. Megan gulped and nodded, grinding into Natasha as she moaned against her skin, sending pleasurable vibrations throughout her.

Natasha began to suck on one particular spot on Megan's neck and it took everything within Megan not to moan out loud. Instead Megan craned her arms backwards to run her hands through Natasha's hair. Back at the table, Wade let his eyes travel on the dance floor until they reached Natasha and Megan. He gulped as he watched, not being able to control his emotions... down there, he turned his eyes away from the scene and looked at Bucky and Steve, "You two might want to see what your wives are doing on the dance floor."

The two men looked at each other and then glanced at the dance floor until they found their wives, Megan was grinding on Natasha, her arms holding the redhead's hair. Meanwhile Nat was giving hickeys to Megan, her hands either gripping Megan's waist or travelling up and down her body. "Fuck." Bucky spoke breathlessly and Steve, Sam and Wade nodded, all four men's eyes glued to the scene unfolding in front of them. Vision was staring at Natasha and Megan as well, but not with ill intentions, but with curiosity, trying to understand why they were doing what they were doing.

Wanda glanced at the men around the table and rolled her eyes, she knocked back her drink and got up, "I'm gonna dance with them." She spoke, she turned to look back at the men, "Oh and if I were you, I wouldn't leave the table for a while." The men all looked down and blushed as Wanda smirked and rushed off to Megan and Natasha. "Hey." Wanda spoke, Natasha looked up, "Here to join us?" "Can I?" "Always." "Follow me, don't be shy." Wanda told Megan and the goddess hesitated for a few seconds, before nodding.

The Accordsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें