Diana vulnerably said: what was my family's fault then? They didn't have to die. So ... so ...

I can see deep grief in her eyes

Diana: You idiot only think of about your friend... Nobody cares about my family....

Me: Don't you understand, Diana!! You could have saved your father. But you gave up. Because you choose the easiest way- killing. If you had not stabbed him, if you had opened the door and run away, he would have been alive now. And one day you could return to him. Remember your father's face, his eyes were teary at that moment. He knew killing was not the answer. That's why he didn't kill you. Because in the depths of his soul he understood that killing not the right path. You chose to kill, he chose to kill, we chose to kill, not to change ourselves.

How many deaths are in our hands?

You don't hate Mikush. You hate yourself. I understand this when I look at you. You blame yourself for the death of your family.
Once you asked, "Did you know what loneliness is?"

Yes! I know!!

Once I also lost people that dear to me because I tried to kill.. If I didn't try to kill, everyone would've been alive now. Yes, you were right, I should not have given up. I shouldn't have given up talking to Mikush that day. If I had stayed with Mikush and persuaded him, none of this would have happened. Billions of people have been alive, my friends been alive, your family been alive. Yes, our past is full of blood, but our future doesn't have to. We cannot change the past, but our future is in our hands. Let's create a clean future for ourselves.

So we can only do that by changing ourselves.

Forgive Mikush, forgive me, forgive everyone, and more importantly forgive yourself. Only by doing this you can get rid of loneliness and create a happy future ..

(Fuck!! I don't know what I have said. But, Please God!! Make Diana believe these words and let me take that gun from her)

Diana lowered her gun.

She is crying.

Finally, she understood. Killing isn't the right answer!!!

I slowly hugged Diana. I tried to take the weapon away.

Shit!! Where is her gun??


It's in Mikush's hand.

You damn bastard deceived us again !? I trusted you....

Diana and I looked at Mikush.

Does some things really don't make sense? So all my words were really meaningless?? All his words were a lie??

(music ends)

Mikush raised his weapon towards us and shot 12 times.

I heard a collapsing sound behind me. Turned around and saw dead soldiers.

These are Chinese Donut army soldiers.


Mikush chose his friends and saved them.

Mikush: I already understood the importance of friendship. I made a mistake and I will correct it. Nothing will be the same anymore.

Diana and I smiled. We both had tears in our eyes. It is as if we are born anew.


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