My friends never change

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13:00 pm. Sunny beautiful Summer day.

I'm sitting at my villa in Miami. My house is located in a quiet location by the sea. It has very comfortable rooms, a barbecue, Jacuzzi, garage, swimming pool, etc. and my villa is 25 minutes from the airport. This is a wonderful place to live.

As always, today also will be fun at least for my friends. I'm living a typical Miami life. There are parties, drinks, drugs, and so on every day. I live monotonously- half the day at the gym with Bobby who is a bodybuilding lover, and half the day with the drug addict, Adam. Yeah I know I haven't changed.

Bobby is an Afro-American. He has a big shredded body. He is kinda handsome. Bobby is a good person. However, he talks a lot about bodybuilding. I don't think he knows anything except training. I believe that he has never seen any place other than the gym in his life, so every conversation starts with words like " How much can you lift?" and "Let's pump up these fucking muscles." He spends 12 hours a day in the gym. This damn idiot must be sleeping with dumbbells. I met him while walking down the streets. He was selling gym brochures. Unfortunately, he handed me a brochure and insisted that I join their gym. In fact, I'm not into doing sports. But because of my weak nature, I could not refuse him. Nevertheless, at least it's good for my health. So I'm not going to complain.

On the other hand, Adam is one of the typical Miami drug addicts. He is 5'7 feet. He is a tramp and a big idiot. He is oblivious to his appearance and likes to wear gaudy clothes. All-day long he is experiencing new weeds. I don't think he will live long if he'll keep going like that. Adam went crazy over smoking too much, that's for sure. He talks about philosophy all day and lives like a drifter. His deceased wife left him a fortune, and he squandered it. And now he lives a carefree life. He always says "A good day starts with three things: good cocaine, good weed, and good marijuana". Fuck the day when I met him.

It was a year ago when I moved to live in Miami. I met Adam at a party. He talked to me a bit and after a while, I realized that this bastard lives in my house. Since then, he began to decide everything for me. He invites his friends to my house and brings weed. Moreover, throws big parties until the morning. This is why my whole life becomes so exhausting. His character is very similar to my dead friend Ahmed. Ah, Ahmed... Unfortunately, we couldn't even find his corpse. Ahmed would have been Adam's best friend if he had lived. Either because I missed him or because I attract people like this, I just run into crazy idiots like him. Fuck.... I'm just a big fool.

After parting my way with Mikush. I bought this house and thought that I would live a peaceful life here. But unfortunately, my weak nature ruined my peaceful life and people like Adam began to control my actions.

So, We would throw a party today. As usual, this stupid idea came from Adam and he called his drug addict friends. If you want to have a party, go and do it somewhere else. Why should this always be my home? Damned idiot. In any case, I invited Bobby and promised him a protein shaker. He immediately agreed to come over. Dumb ass. In any case, it is better to have a strong person with me, I'm afraid of these drug addicts.


I'm sitting on the rocking chair on the patio and viewing the sea. Suddenly I remembered my dream, the goal I had dreamed of since my childhood. Even after receiving millions of dollars from Mikush, I didn't do it. I felt uneasy. Why am I like this? Fuck these damn bastards. It's all their fault. They are manipulating me. Why should I always meet people like this?

Actually...., I know why this is happening. In fact, I know that I am the only one to blame. I don't want to make a choice. It's hard for me to decide what to do. I'm afraid to lose. I just chose the closest path. Others decide for me, and I don't have to do anything. This is the easiest way. I'm not chasing my dream. It's hard for me to change myself, and to take the first step

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