Early Morning (Sanniuri/Mikado Sannoji x Nikei Yomiuri)

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Out of all the things Nikei could've woken up to, he woke up to a phone call. It was from Mikado's phone, and his 1812 Overture ringtone was grating on his ears. Nikei tried to bury his head into the short-sleeved shirt-covered chest of the wizard he was on top of, but the sound kept playing from the stupidly far bedside table.

He pushed the blanket off of his shirtless torso and tried to reach for the damn phone to decline the call, but the chilled morning air suddenly got to him and he pulled the blankets back on himself in a hurry. He sighed, realizing that his options are limited.

He reached below him and prodded his bedmate's side roughly. "Hey, get up." He grumbled. The wizard below him barely stirred. "Oi, Mikado!" He smacked his side this time, eliciting a groan from his boyfriend - though he'd never actually CALL him that, not in a thousand years. "WAKE THE HELL UP!" Nikei shouted, digging his nails harshly into Mikado's sides.

Mikado groaned and reluctantly opened his eyes slowly. "...Why 're you wakin' me at hell o'clock in the mornin'...?" He asked sleepily, his words slurring.

"Your goddamn phone's going off, asshole." Nikei gestured to the phone, still playing the 1812 Overture.

"Then why don't you get it instead of waking me?" Mikado muttered, his words becoming more understandable as he woke up.

"Because...B-Because it's fucking cold and you're warm, alright?!" Nikei admitted, feeling blush spread across his cheeks. He had been with Mikado long enough to know that he couldn't give an unclear answer or Mikado would tease him to hell and back when he'd fully woken up. "Now GET YOUR PHONE!" He gestured to the offending object yet again.

Mikado chuckled beneath him, though his face remained as blank as always. Nikei made it a point to make sure that Mikado didn't wear his mask to bed, else it would be uncomfortable for both of them. "You realize that my phone has stopped going off, right?" He informed. Nikei felt his face get redder, this time from embarrassment.

"W-Well...you should probably check who it was!" He stammered, trying to salvage some of his pride. Mikado wordlessly reached over to his phone and turned it on, checking the contact and muting his phone before putting it back on the table. "Well? Who was it?"

"Telemarketer." Mikado grumbled. He relaxed his body and put an arm over Nikei, who started to feel guilty over waking Mikado up for something unimportant. Not to mention he was now redder in the face than before. Mikado gently rubbed Nikei's back, feeling the journalist's heart rate slowly return to a calm pulse. "We're not attending class today." The wizard stated, knowing full well that they could get away with it at Hope's Peak Academy.

"I'm gonna change your goddamn ringtone if it's the last thing I do." Nikei mumbled into Mikado's chest, feeling himself being pulled into sleep again. Mikado hummed with contentment, continuing to rub Nikei's back until he heard his soft snoring. The wizard pressed a kiss to the top of his head before falling asleep himself.

Art credit: carrotttfish on twitter

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