Aquarium Date (Emmaroha/Emma Magorobi x Iroha Nijiue)

540 14 4

As Emma walked through the aquarium with a chipper Iroha running around underfoot, she couldn't help but smile at her energy. "Iroha, dear, don't you ever get tired?" The actress inquired.

"I can't get tired yet, there's so much to see!" The smaller girl exclaimed. "The lemon shark, the clownfish, the stingrays, I wanna try painting them all!"

The actress shook her head. "I'm afraid you'll have to just look up photos on the internet for that. Not only will your models not hold still for you, but we might kicked out of the aquarium for loitering and the paint smell." She pointed out.

"Aw..." Iroha pouted, but suddenly got distracted by a blue tang swimming by and ran to the glass.

Emma walked up behind her. "Look on the bright side, when you draw them at home, you can pose them in any way and in any environment you want." She chuckled. "Now, do you want to go see the octopi next?"

"Ah, yes, yes!" The painter chirped and grabbed Emma's hand, pulling her down the corridors in search for the octopus enclosure. When they arrived, they saw that it was the animal's feeding time and watched as a diver went in to serve the octopus its food.

As the clever creature took the food from the diver, Iroha gasped with excitement. "Isn't that cool?" Emma giggled. "It took the food straight from his hand!"

"Ooh, when are they going to feed the sharks next?" Iroha asked, excitement on her face and sparkles in her eyes.

"Not until twenty minutes." The actress responded, checking her phone. "Do you want to go pet the manta rays until then?"

"Yes, let's go!" Once again, Emma found herself being dragged throughout the aquarium again, swiftly being pulled to their next destination.

Art credit: mirangsataraxia on tistory

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