Long Time No See (Sannohashi/Mikado Sannoji x Syobai Hashimoto)

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(Warning: spoilers for sdra2 chapter 6 and the bad ending!)

He didn't know why, but Syobai always came back to that island.

After he had been released from the virtual world, he was met by a mountain of bodies, courtesy of Mikado. The Alter Ego had allowed him to leave with his life, thanking him for doing business with them before they left the island, disappearing without a trace. Syobai had found a boat with some more money in it and used it to get to the mainland.

Even with his riches and freedom, he always went back to the capsules for a reason unknown to him. The survivors inside were trapped inside their respective utopias, some of which couldn't even leave the program, and Syobai took care of their bodies in the outside world so that they wouldn't die.

As he walked back into the lab, he was met with the silent capsules, filled with the comatose bodies and killing game participants. When Mikado had woken up, their lust for life had accidentally saved the lives of the other participants. When Syobai had pointed this out to the AI, they didn't care enough to wake them up or put them into their utopias, so they remained comatose.

Syobai carried the container of nutrients to each large IV bag he hooked up the participants, filling them up and checking their bodies for any signs of irregularities. He didn't particularly care for the people he had kidnapped and brought into the killing game, but he felt the need to come back and take care of them. Taking a small device with suction cups, he opened Nikei's capsule, deciding to start with him in measuring everyone's brain signals.

Syobai then heard footsteps behind him, and he whirled around to face the white-haired monster he assisted. "Long time no see, my dear Mr. Hashimoto." Mikado purred, looking behind him at the capsules. "Ah, you're still taking care of these pathetic humans?"

"Someone has to." Syobai shrugged. "I know this isn't like me, but I guess it's just become a habit now. Even so, the low brain signals on more than half of these people makes it hard to properly get nutrients to them. They're not producing them themselves, it's kinda a hassle."

"Hm..." Mikado thought before smiling. Suddenly, the brain signal detector in Syobai's hand began to beep faster, showing more activity. "There. Better?"

"What did you do?" The broker inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I merely woke them up from their state. But since I can't have them interfering, not that they can at this rate, I just put them in their utopias, same as the rest." The AI shrugged. "That should take a bit of trouble off your hands. It's really the least I can do for your assistance. I've paid you already."

"Alright, that brings me to my next question." Syobai continued. "Why are you here? I thought you left to never return."

"Well, I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane and briefly reenter the program." Mikado skipped over to his empty capsule and began to lay down in it. "Despite everything, Utsuroshima is my home. Even I can be taken by the sense of nostalgia."

"Right. Well, I'll keep an eye on your body until you wake up. It's not like my work's done here anyway." The broker shrugged, getting back to measuring brain signals while Mikado connected himself to the program.

Art credit: can2548 on twitter

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