Sharing Scars (Shinsuka/Shinji Kasai x Setsuka Chiebukuro)

710 15 5

(Warning: self-loathing, general bad thoughts)

"Setsuka? Why are you looking down?" The firefighter asked, stepping closer to the depressed girl on the couch.

"Oh, Shin, you're here..." The girl sighed. "It's nothing. The people at my work were just making fun of my eye again."

"Setsuka, you know whatever they say is not true." Shinji sat down beside her. "You have really pretty eyes, no matter if they're real or a prosthetic."

The billiards player leaned against him. "I know, but..." She trailed off.

Shinji put his hand on her shoulder. "You remember the scars I've gotten, right? Especially the one on my back, the one I got after doing something really stupid. I earned it when I got the one that got me into firefighting killed."

"Shin, that's not true and you know it." Setsuka spoke sternly. "It's not your fault, and your scars aren't your defining trait. We've been over this."

"And it's the same for you. Just because you have your Devil's Eye doesn't mean that it makes you who you are." The firefighter smiled. "Don't look so down, let's watch a movie and have some cottage roll for supper."

Setsuka paused for a few seconds before smiling. "Sure, I'd love that. Thanks, Shin." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. As the billiards player go the remote to choose the movie, Shinji was stuck in a state of bashfulness as she cuddled against him.

Art credit: vvaotea on instagram

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