Love Poems (Sorakei/Sora x Nikei Yomiuri)

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"Hm, working on another article again?" Sora teased, taking Nikei's hat off his head and putting it on her own. "I thought you said that it was done by now."

"It is, I just started another one a while ago." The journalist replied as he sat on his desk, oblivious to the fact that his hat was gone. "Scoops never sleep, you know!"

"I know, but I'd rather you didn't work yourself to death for a deadline that isn't even due soon." The albino reasoned. "Why don't you come to the couch and watch a movie with me? That'll clear your head and relax you enough to start again."

The journalist shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm already really concentrated on this, and I probably wouldn't be able to break myself out of this mindset for a while." He sighed. "Making a clear message and various forms of wordplay is actually harder than it looks."

"Wanna bet? I can probably write something to get you away from that laptop." Sora challenged.

"Pfft, yeah, right." The boy chuckled, rolling his eyes. "You do whatever. If you need food, my wallet's on the table, you can order a pizza or something." He then went back to work.

Sora walked away with a determined huff, heading to another room to find a sticky note. After thinking up a few words and arranging them, she wrote on the sticky note and walked right back to Nikei.

"Here, read this." She spoke, handing him the small paper.

"Hm? What on earth is..." The journalist's face suddenly turned a visible shade of pink. "Ah..."

Under a sky red as blood

My life I lived, my grave I dug

Glad I did live and die, but I

Would rather lie with you

"So? How is it?" The albino asked with a smile.

"W-Well, this is..." Nikei tried to reach to pull down his hat, but was embarrassed to find that it wasn't there. His face had turned red with blush now, and he tried to hide it with his hands.

The girl laughed and pulled him out of his chair. "Come on, let's go watch that movie." She suggested, and Nikei let himself be dragged along.

Art credit: 12812702 on pixiv

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