Park Picnic (Yomiroha/Nikei Yomiuri x Iroha Nijiue)

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"Isn't it a lovely day, Nikei?" Iroha chirped, holding the picnic basket in front of her in both hands as she walked to a shady place under a tree.

Nikei walked behind her with a smile on his face. "Careful, you don't want to sit in a spot that has a hidden mud patch." He warned.

"How am I supposed to know where they are?" The painter protested, looking at the grass frantically.

"You step on the spot where you're going to sit down, genius." Her boyfriend mocked lightheartedly.

"Oh, right." Iroha stated, pressing the spot she was going to sit down at with her foot and, upon determining that it wasn't muddy, sat down on the spot.

Nikei sat down beside her, opening the picnic basket she held and taking out a sandwich. "This was a great idea." He stated before taking a bite of the sandwich.

Iroha took out a container of devilled eggs and placed one into her mouth, closing her eyes and smiling as its flavour washed over her tongue. "Mmm! These are so good!" She exclaimed before placing another into her mouth.

As the sun shone down on the couple, they kept eating the foods in their picnic basket and watching the passerby. Some of which included dog owners, joggers, Shinji carrying an exhausted Yuki over his shoulder, and that strange person that decided to walk their cat.

Finally, they finished all of their food items. "Well, that was great. We better get back home or else Hajime's gonna force us to join Shinji's workout." Nikei stated, picking up their empty picnic basket.

"Eek! I don't want to be collapsed like Yuki!" Iroha whimpered.

The journalist just laughed and ruffled her hair. "Relax, shorty. I'm pretty sure he's not that cruel as to make us do anything after we just ate." He reassured. "But we should still get home before he begins to worry."

"Alright! Besides, we had fun today!" The painter exclaimed, eliciting a chuckle from Nikei.

"That we did. Now, let's go home." He took her by the hand and lead her back the way they came.

Art credit: MEOW@女神 on amino

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