Reenacting a Movie Scene (Setsusora/Setsuka Chiebukuro x Sora)

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"Hola." Setsuka spoke, holding a bottle of wine as she sat on a pool table. "Come, little drink?"

Sora walked towards her in the billiards player's private room with a smile. "Wine, music, candlelight...I think we've down this road before, Setsuka."

"Yes, we have. I remember it well." Setsuka tossed the albino a wine glass, which the other girl caught in midair. "Winding, twisting, turning, gyrating, writhing, incessant writhing..." She continued, pouring the wine into their glasses. "Recall St. Dominic?"

"La Martinique." Sora corrected. "I tried to kill you in St. Dominic. Hardly appropriate for a first mate."

"Was I the first? I often wondered." The billiards player inquired.

Sora chuckled. "You can be so charming when you want something, Setsuka." She tilted her head slightly. "The trick is finding out what."

"Truth is, Blackbeard has served his purpose." Setsuka stated, quickly downing her glass of wine and putting it down on the pool table. "You and I can go to the fountain together, where we shall bathe one another in equal shares of fame and other assorted debaucheries.

Sora did the same before walking close to the billiards player, and they held each other as if they were doing a tango. "I will tell you the ritual of the fountain." The albino purred. 

"Yes, the profane ritual." Setsuka twirled Sora around and let her fall so her body would be on a diagonal tilt, holding her by one hand. As she did that, the bottle of wine slipped from her grasp, and she quickly pulled the girl up and out of the way of the glass.

The bottle hit the floor at a great speed and shattered into pieces, spilling red wine all over the carpet. The two girls paused for a moment, unsure what to do, then sighed and let go of each other. "I'll vacuum up the glass pieces, you ask Monocrow if he has some cleaner that can get the wine out." The albino facepalmed as she spoke.

"Man, the one time I want to do something fun..." Setsuka groaned. Sora and Setsuka walked towards the door to the hallway, en route to the cleaning supplies in the laundry room.

Art credit: houki04 on twitter

Btw the scene they're reenacting is the tango scene from potc 4

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