32| Reckoning

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"Come with me." He said.

"What?" I asked, looking at my Latino husband. He sighed, hitting the punching bag a couple times before turning to me.

"Come with me to Puerto Rico. Gabby's got her hurricane relief stuff that I know you'd love to help with and we can just start over."

"You want me to leave my entire life in Chicago?"

"No. I want you to start fresh with your family, somewhere no one knows us. We can let go of the past."

"Leaving my father in Chicago?"

"You don't even like Hank."

"I love him, though. Father or not, the man has been there for me, I can't just leave him."

"Hank's never gonna leave Chicago, especially to move somewhere like Puerto Rico." He said.

I thought about how accurate that was. Hank definitely loved Chicago, and I didn't see him plan on leaving anytime soon.

"Fine. We are talking more about this later."

I told him before we left, going to the district to meet our secret little team.

"Okay, I just talked to my contact at IRT and it's as bad as you think it is. Kelton is leading the charge to find out exactly what happened in that building the day Rizzo died." Trudy informed.

"When's the last time IRT reached out to you?" Hank asked.

"Uh, a few days ago? They requested a blood sample, I gave it, I haven't heard anything sense."  Adam replied.

"That's because IRT's no longer involved. Internal Affairs has officially taken over the investigation." Trudy said.

"Means they found something. Something actionable." Toni added.

"What do we do now?" Adam questioned, everyone looking at Hank.

"We fight back." Hank spoke before walking away.


I stepped into Hank's office, getting away from the empty bullpen. Everyone else was out doing actual work while I was at the district, handling paperwork.

"How come you prefer Hank instead of Henry? I mean, that's your name,  isn't it?" I asked the older man. He laughed.

"Sometimes you make me think I have a teenage daughter. I guess since Justin has the convict spot, you have to take a more childish approach." I hit him in the arm.

"Don't talk about my brother that way. I know I'm the reason for him first going to prison.."

"No, kid. I never meant that. Justin makes his own decisions, whether I want him to or not. If that was me who you'd called, I probably would've done the same thing."

I'd went to a college party one night, against my mother's wishes. I was nineteen and just what the drunk alphas were looking for.

The leading guy took special interest in me. Going as far as to lock us in the bathroom and try to assault me. Lucky for me, people banged on the door, yelling their need for the toilet.

I hid the bruises on my arm, rushing past him and out the door, pushing through the people. My mind went to Justin, seeing as I couldn't call my parents or Hank.

Justin was only supposed to give me a ride home but once he saw the bruise on my wrist, he flipped out, going to attack the guy. It ended with the cops arresting him and the guy badly beaten and unconscious on the ground.

Choices We Make | Antonio Dawson Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin