30 | Brotherhood

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"Antonio, listen.." Hank started.

"We gotta get you out of here. Take your gun. Give me your phone and go.  I got this." Toni handed him the phone, nodding as he walked away.

"All right, put this in your car. The phone comes up, you say Antonio left it there at the beginning of the tour." Hank told Adam.

"Copy that."

"You arrive on scene. You came around that corner, through that door. You witnessed me and the offender engaged in a physical altercation."

"Hank, no."

"No, hold on. Hold on." Adam and I tried to stop him.

"Then you witnessed Rizzo go over the wall.."

"Boss, no.. I won't let you take the fall for this."

"Hey. You run downstairs. You attempt to administer aid. He's unresponsive. You determined he was dead on impact."

"You're not thinking this through, Hank. You'll lose your job." I told my idiotic father.

"This ain't a discussion!" He yelled.

I went down the stairs and outside to see Antonio staring at Jason's body.

"Get in the fucking car." I told him.

He continued to stare at the man until I pushed him towards the car. We drove home, not wanting to do anything else.


"Yeah?" I asked, shushing a crying Giselle and answering my phone.

"Adam took the blame." Hank said through the phone.


"I told him! I told him that I would handle this and he took the blame, Anastasia. The kid doesn't know what he's signing up for."

"Calm down. We will work something out.."

We got off the phone. I turned to Antonio who was holding Eva. She had nightmares, just like Diego; it was horrible hearing her scream.

"I think she's asleep. Nothing like daddy's touch, huh?" He chuckled.

"You're pretending like nothing happened.."

"Hang on." He carried her to her room then came back.

"I understand what happened."

"Do you? Do you really, Antonio?! What the hell were you thinking?"

"I wasn't.. it was- it was the drugs. When he said that, I just.. all I saw was red."

"So that's an excuse?"

"What is it that you want from me, Anastasia? That's all I can tell you."

"That's unfortunate because Adam's going down for your bullshit."

"He's what?"

"He took the blame, Dawson. He beat Hank to it, telling IA that he got into an altercation with Rizzo."

"No, no.." he paced.

I shook my head, switching my baby to the other hip and shaking her bottle. He rambled to himself, trying to think of ways to bury the case or get Adam out of the way.

"He can't go down for me. This is bad.."

"Hank's got this, right? I mean, you trust him, right? He's gotten us out of all types of stuff.."

"This is murder, Antonio.." I semi yelled.

"I gotta talk to him." He grabbed his keys but I snatched them out of his hand.

"You think I'm gonna let you drive outta here? Call him.."

"Nah, he won't hear me that way."

"Well, he's gonna do something because you're not leaving, Dawson. Sit your ass down and feed your daughter applesauce."

I placed her in his arms, sitting the bowl on the table and going to the room.


I stood outside the door, staring at my husband as he got ready to begin rapid detox. He'd decided that he needed to get clean immediately so he could think straight.

A tap on my shoulder got my attention. Hank smiled at me then looked down at Giselle.

"Beautiful girls.." he said. I smiled, wrapping my free arm around him.

"Thank you, old man." He laughed, pulling away.

"Who you calling old? I'll whoop your ass right here."

The man came out of the room, telling Hank he could go in. He went in, shutting the door behind him, going to sit next to Toni.

I occupied myself, not noticing how fast the time went by. The news switched stories, talking about Adam. His picture was on the screen, displayed, as they relayed the case information.

"You gotta be kidding me.." Hank said behind me. The woman read Adam's statement.

"I was in hot pursuit of the offender. Closed in on him. While chasing, I announced my office several times, ordered him to stop. He didn't. He was violent, non-compliant; he lunged for me, for my weapon. In fear of my life, I had no choice but to defend myself." Officer Ruzek has attested that the validity of that statement is accurate."

Hank dropped his head, huffing before walking out.

Choices We Make | Antonio Dawson Where stories live. Discover now