14 | A Beautiful Friendship

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"Hey, Halstead

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Hey, Halstead." I called, throwing a paper ball at his forehead.

"Yeah." He looked up.

"You owe me a twenty."

"What? What for?"

"We bet on a Sox game and you lost. The crisp bill has yet to be placed into my soft hand."

"Oh, please, your hands are like the desert. Please, go put some lotion on, they're crusty." I gasped. He laughed.

"Hey. Good morning." Jay greeted Erin. I sat on his desk.

"Where'd you go last night, Halstead?" Jay shook his head, whispering.

"The docks."

"Is that.." I trailed off.

"Yeah." He agreed, knowing what I was referring to.

"Get your ass off my desk." I stuck my tongue out at him, getting up.

"Atwater, hey." Adam said, standing up.


"Good morning. Here, man, take Sumner's desk." Kevin nodded, putting his jacket on the back of the chair.

"What's up, man?" Jay said.

"What's up, bro?"

"Don't get used to it. We don't seem to stay in them for very long." Adam said. I disregarded his comment.

"Atwater." I said.

"Anastasia." I glared at him. Jay and Al laughed.

"You might not want to call her that." Kevin nodded.

"How is Burgess taking it?" Al asked.

"Taking what?"

"You know, you getting promoted up here, when perhaps..she deserves it a little bit more."

"Oh, that. Well, she's been assigned a new partner." Kevin shrugged.

"There he is." Jay said, pointing as Toni walked up the stairs.

"Hey, man, what the hell you doing back so soon, huh?" Al asked.

"Oh, my God. You sound like my mother.."

"Listen, we got you a little "welcome back slash glad you're not dead" gift."

"Don't say we didn't ever do anything for you." Adam said, coming from the back with a walker.

"Oh. Oh. That's hilarious. Come here, a little closer."

"His idea."

"Oh, you want some of this? Yeah?" They pretended to fight.

"Come on."

"I didn't think so." Toni bent over, groaning in pain.

"You okay?" Jay laughed as he asked.

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