The Female Titan

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**********A Few Days Later********

When we finally got to the wall they gave Jean the wig and lead us to the carriage. Then I saw Armin, Mikasa and Eren put on raincoats over their gear. "Well here goes nothing" Jean said as we entered the walls. I looked out the window and saw Military Police following the carriages

"Damn they really went all out for this didn't they" Jean said.

"yea I guess" I looked out the window and saw Armin in an alleyway. One of the police stopped. I guessed that was Annie. I could see her now small figure walk into the alleyway. When she was gone I focused on Jean he looked scared out of his pants.

"You nervous?" I asked

"pfft nah I'm a tough guy"

"haha sure you are" I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Why do you think they chose me to play Jaeger we look nothing alike"

"You both have sinister eyes and the look of a criminal, but I mean he doesn't have your horse face" I giggled

"Hey! I don't have a horse face" Jean pouted. Then it was quiet for a few moments before Jean spoke up.

"Uh Jenny I know we just met and stuff and I know there's a lot going on but do you maybe wanna train together sometime? I know you have a test coming up"

"Sure that would be way fun" I smiled.

"So uh Jenny what are you into?"

"Well I mean I like drawing and just walking around. What are you into Jean"

"Oh ya know working out and stuff."

"Ok Mr. Tough Guy" I laughed. Then we hit a bump and I was jostled off of my seat and fell into his arms. 'Wow he's strong' I thought to myself. I looked into his eyes and gave a nervous chuckle.

"Well aren't you gonna get up?" he said jokingly. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"uh t-thanks," I said stuttering. It got quiet again and I looked out the window there were so many beautiful sights. It was a shame this city might be destroyed.....I had never been into the Inner Wall but I remember seeing pictures of it in my Dad's books. It looked a lot different from home. I looked over to Jean who was also staring out the window. "Jean?" I asked.

"How much longer until we get to the center"

"Just a few more minutes Little J" That's when the carriage stopped and we saw a big bolt of lightning come down from the sky and a whole lot of smoke. I instantly recognized her as the Female Titan.

Then a man came busting into the cart "Zhonya they need you out there" and he handed me a set of ODM-gear. I strapped it on with no problem. "Give em hell Jenny, but uh don't get yourself killed," Jean said. I nodded and was off. I got over to where the fighting was with ease. "Whats going on?" I asked Armin and Mikasa, who seemed to be out of breath from fighting. 

"Well Annie and Eren are titans and they are fighting each other and we are here in case Eren needs help" Armin said. "Why are you even here kid?" Mikasa asked me with disgust. "They told me they needed me here so I'm here" I said. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Well then be helpful and take down this titan" Mikasa said while going into the fight. By then a few more soldiers had come into help "I'm gonna go find Eren he got stuck under the rubble" Armin said
"Ok I'm gonna go help I guess" I looked at the female and for the first time I was scared. "Jenny" I looked at Armin "don't die ok there are some people here who really care about you" he said I nodded my head and was off. I was crusin' through the battle slicing the Female whenever I could. She was tough I'd give her that but I was sure I could take her down. Then she grabbed me by the side and I wasn't so sure anymore "JENNY!!" I heard Armin scream. Then I felt release and realized Mikasa had saved me. I went over to where Armin was with Eren who was under the rubble and Jean came running up to us. "Eren couldn't turn into a titan?!" He said. "No. Now help us get him out of the rubble" Jean huffed with anger "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME JEAGER! We put everything we had into you and you can't do anything just because she's stupid Annie?! Marco's...Marco's-" 

Just then a giant rock fell between us and Eren and we all went flying back. "Someone's gotta do something about her" Jean said flying off into battle. Armin looked at me I gave him a big hug and he hugged me back. Then I looked him right in the eyes and he told me "Go be a hero help them. They need you." I nodded and went off to help them. 

"Ah look who finally decided to catch up" Jean said "Shut up" I retorted. We sliced and dodged her when she tried to grab us. Then Armin came up "ANNIE" he said "if you kill me now you can't say your gamble started here"
"ANNIE" Jean said "FOLLOW ME" and with that we were off zipping through the city up to the capture point where they shot out metal strings to capture her. Then a they threw a net on her and Commander Hanji came up and said a few things to her that were inaudible to Jean, Armin and I. But the Female Titan shook free and we were off to fighting again. Then we saw another bolt of lighting and heard a giant roar. Jean Armin and I fled to a top of a roof to wait. Then Eren in titan form came busting through to fight Annie.

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