To Shiganshina

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The next morning the sun shone through my window and woke me up. My eyes flew open, today was the day; we are going to ride to Shiganshina. I got up and got dressed, I accidentally woke Sasha up which I apologized for and she went back to sleep. We were leaving at dusk so we had the whole day to make final preparations. I put on my uniform and rebraided my hair, I didn't have much to do, they gave all of the packing jobs to the rookies so today I decided to walk around Trost. I walked out of the soldier's quarters and down the stairs, I heard a girl yelling.

"Marlo, stop being an idiot and gambling your life away with the Survey Corps, come back with me," I looked around the corner and saw Hitch there, she was holding on to the sleeve of Marlo's jacket.

"Hitch, I've already told you, I'm going, end of story, why do you even care anyway?" Marlo said, he walked off and went to go help the other rookies with packing the thunder spears. I looked at Hitch, she looked kind of sad, I walked up to her, "Hey, I saw what happened, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I should've guessed he wouldn't understand, he's too dense," Hitch said, she shook her head and walked off. I wanted to follow her but she seemed like she wanted to be alone. As I watched her walk away, I felt two arms around my waist, I spun around and saw Armin. He smiled at me, "good morning! beautiful day to retake Wall Maria isn't it?" he asked. I nodded, "yes a beautiful day indeed," I said, we walked off and just walked around the city all day until we had to report to our squads. 

The sun was setting, it was time, the horses were being hoisted over the wall. The entire Survey Corps lined the wall and looked over the city, we waited for Commander Erwin's orders. It was a beautiful sight, seeing the entire city from the walls. I stood in between Armin and Sasha, she threw her arm around me, "you ready Jen?" she asked, I nodded

"Hey!" A man shouted from below, we looked down and there were so many people on the ground watching us, "Hange!" the man continued, I looked closer and realized he was Flegel Reeves, "Good Luck! Take back Wall Maria for us! The future of humanity is in your hands!"

"Hey I think that's Flegel Reeves" I pointed out, I looked over at Armin and he nodded. I smiled down, "Captain Levi!" Flegel continued, "Thank you for saving our city! You all come back in one piece, all right?! But go and reclaim our territory!" Flegel yelled, I smiled, "I didn't realize that we were so popular now," I said, Sasha laughed, "I know right,"

"Let's make sure they know we appreciate their support," Jean said, I looked over at Connie and he nodded, "on the count of three?" Jean asked, Sasha, Connie and I nodded, "okay, one, two, three"

"Yeah! You can count on us!" The four of us shouted. I threw Sasha's arm off me and looked over at Armin who shook his head at us, "How long's it been since the Scouts got a send-off like this?" I asked him.

"I don't think the scouts have ever gotten a send-off like this one" he answered. I smiled and looked down, I heard Erwin yell and all the scouts joined and so did I, I felt Armin wrap his arm around my waist as we shouted. Once everyone calmed down a little we went down the walls and mounted our horses. 

"The final operation to retake Wall Maria will now commence" Erwin shouted, I rode next to Armin on the way to Shiganshina, we threw our hoods on and rode there with them. We had to keep our hoods on so we could keep Eren hidden. That was the first rule that Erwin told us for this mission, we needed to keep them on, it was for our own safety and Eren's, "Advance!" I heard Erwin yell, I hit the reins of my horse and rode forward. I sent Armin a nod telling him  I was okay, he would look over every once in a while to make sure I was all good. We rode at night so that way titans would hopefully be less active. 

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