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"Aneko!" yelled Aimi ever-so-lovingly, waving her hands as she flailed around the place. She smiled, sprinting towards the other woman, giggling a bit before setting herself down the chair. She placed her handbag on top of another seat, grinning ear-to-ear. She leaned forward, breathing in the smell of coffee. "How do you feel?"

"How do I feel?" asked Aneko, confused. She glanced at the small machine on the table. "What do you mean? I'm not feeling well."

"I mean," chimed Aimi, laughing. She leaned sideways, covering the side of her mouth as she squinted her eyes. "How do you feel about how both Kei and Tadashi like each other?"

"Wait - Tsukishima allows you to call him Kei? Who did you kill?" gasped Aneko, placing her hand on top of her mouth as she raised both her brows. "Seriously, though, where'd you hide the body?"

"What do you mean?!" exclaimed Aimi, a frown present on her face, she scowled, clicking her tongue as a small pout appeared. "I didn't do such a thing."

"I'm just saying," murmured Aneko, looking up as she grabbed her cup of coffee. She sipped, glancing at her phone as her shoulders slumped. "Tsukishima permitting you to call him Kei - seems very much impossible."

"He loves me, that's why, though he doesn't show it that much," beamed Aneko, smirking. "We've been together for how many years, Aneko, and yet you expect him to stay mean? You know for a fact, that he adores me as much as I adore him."

"Hm," hummed Aneko, gazing at her cup of coffee. She sighed, placing her drink down as she smiled ever-so-sincerely. She squinted her eyes, pursing her lip as she watched Aimi grin in joy. Truly, though Tsukishima seems like a very much cold individual - a human-cat who'll most likely growl at you whenever you're at least two meters away from him, at that. Despite that fact, Aneko knows, and believes, that he cares for the people he especially loves, though he seems to never show it.

"I tell you," started Aimi, clearing her voice as she giggled. "The only reason why Kei allows me to call him that is because of Tadashi."

"That is true," murmured Aneko, smirking. "They've gotten really close, don't you think?"

Aimi looked up, nodding. She hummed, smiling. She then murmured, "They truly did, and that is a fact. I wouldn't even be that surprised if they suddenly told me they were mates."

"Oh, hush," chirped Aneko, chuckling. "Don't jinx it, alright? I'll kill if they truly do - though there's at least ninety-five percent of that happening."

"Oh, please," beamed Aimi, laughing. "We both know you'll love that."

"Anyhow, we should probably stop talking about them," started Aneko, drinking her coffee. She huffed, then muttering, "And start talking about other things, hm? I feel as if we're their parents talking about their future together."

"You mean, to start focusing on our date?" asked Aimi teasingly, wiggling her brows as she chuckled softly.

"Shut it," murmured Aneko, giggling. She glanced at the other woman in front of her ever-so-quickly, taking in the fact that she actually meant what she just had said.

"You know," muttered Aimi, humming. She caressed her cheek, tapping her finger on the table as she pursed her lower lip. "What if - we set both Kei and Tadashi on a date?"

"What?" asked Aneko in disbelief, confused and dazed. "Set them on a what?"

"A date, Aneko!" exclaimed Aimi, her hands flaunting around midair. She smiled, giggling a bit before standing up. "Where they could finally confess their feelings for each other!"

"Alright, Aimi," chimed Aneko in a hushed voice, looking around frantically as she gazed at the people looking at Aimi in surprise. "Set yourself down first, alright? People are looking at you."

"Hm," hummed Aimi ever-so-enthusiastically. She sat down, leaning forward towards Aneko as she asked, "Then, what's our plan?"

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