Chapter 3

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"Drink! Drink! Drink!"They cheered as they watch me lift a glass of vodka,the bottle pointed me but the question is too personal so i decided i'll just drink,my decision made Heeseung kinda mad because of course i'm a minor and i haven't drink before,this will be my first time.

"can't y'all understand that she's just 17!...she can't drink!"Heeseung shouted which make everybody shut up.

"No it's ok Heeseung I'll drink it,one glass won't hurt"I reassured him about to sip the strong drink but then he stopped me.

"you are not drinking that"He hissed.

"come on Heeseung don't be a party pooper...just one drink and it's done"Rean spoke up trying to convince him.

"She's right it wont hurt her"K agreed.

Everyone agreed on Rean and K's statement which made Heeseung shut up while me...I drink the vokda,it doesn't taste good and it burnt my throat I feel like vomiting any second.

"YEY!WHOO!"They cheered again when they saw me gulp down the vodka,Heeseung doesn't look too happy about it and I completely  understand.I place my hand on his and give it a squish.

"It's fine Heeseung,its not that bad"i ressured him,he then look at me and frown.

"It's not fine Gene,you're 17...what will your parents say if they knew that you drank that vodka"Heeseung said worried not just because of my parents will say but for me too.

"I'll handle it don't worry"I give him a small smile as we continue the game.

Time passed by and we're still playing the game and i had to admit it's quite fun even though some questions are a little sexual.I suddenlly feel like I wanna pee so I decided to excused myself.

"I'll be right back...just going to pee"I said then headed to the bathroom.


"Why don't you follow her Heeseung she might get lost"Xylene one of the girls suggested and Heeseung gladly agreed as he don't want Gene to get lost.

"soooo they haven't done it yet huh?"Trish said clearly thinking something.

"maybe...I mean Gene is just 17 and Heeseung is 19...i don't really know"Rean shuggered.

"they're a cute couple,I think they haven't done it yet"K chimes in.

"what's the matter if they haven't done that yucky thing yet,I mean look at me"Jungwon sassed looking annoyed and disgusted.

"Seriouly you know i lost my virginity when i was 16 with my boyfriend"Dafi said proudly.

"That's because you're a whore"Jungwon said earning a gloat from Dafi.

"what if we make them do it"Beomgyu suggested innocently,you can clearly see on his eyes that he does not know what he's saying,he is a bit tipsy,maybe...

"That's a bright idea"Soobin exclaimed kinda tipsy too.

"I think it's not a bright idea"Hanbin said worried at where it's going.

"they're gonna thank us after this"Xylene smirked but reluctantly.

"so what will we do now?"Sunghoon questioned confused.

"Hmmmmm i got it"Jimin smirked evily.



I waited outside the bathroom as Gene peed and then after some minutes she finally came out.

"You done already?"I asked mentally smacking my self at the stupid question,she nodded then we headed back to the room where we played.

As soon as we came back they immediately got back to their spots,they were in circle not after we came back,which is kinda suspicious but we shrug it off then took a sit too.

"let's continue the game"Hanbin said looking all worried.

Seon spin the bottle and it landed on me,Jimin hyung is the one who will be asking me a question,it made me worried because his questions are more sexual.I mean it's Park Jimin...

"so my question is..."Jimin started smugly...

"what is it?"I asked hesitantly.

"Did you guys sleep with each other yet?"He asked arching his one eyebrow while smirking.Gene blushes and look down.

"why do you wanna know? Because as far as I'm concerned it's none of your business hyung"I retorted glaring at him,I hate him right now seriously.

"you're not supposed to ask me question lil have you guys done it?"He asked again,i sigh defeated.

"No we haven't"I answered looking at Gene who hide her face on her hands,Gene is still young and so i am,I really don't mind if we don't do it yet,I'm not a type of a guy who will force their girl to do it with them,i can wait.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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