Chapter 18

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As soon as we arrived at the hospital, nurses and a doctor went to us,they
let Gene sit on a wheelchair and they rushed to the Delivery Room.

I followed them,i can see that Gene is hurting,i hold her hand before entering the Delivery Room.

"You can do it Genennie remember that i love you"I said rubbing the back of her hands,sweat start to fall down on her forehead,i start to sweat too because of nervousness.

"i'm not having baby with you anymore"she said but i know she didn't mean it.

"shhhh i love you"i said kissing her sweating forehead.

"i-i love y-you to-o"she stuttered,gosh she's really in pain,seconds later
i feel like my world is spinning and everything went black.i pass out.


The other nurse went to Heeseung as he pass out,Gene stared at her boyfriends body that was on the cold floor.

"Heeseung "she called him in a small voice.

"Ms. we have to get going now"the doctor said,she agreed as she want their baby Kei out of her.


After 7 hours of labor Kei is finally in her mothers arms,looking all comportable in Genes arms,Heeseung woke up after 2 hours but fall asleep when he's waiting for her.

"hello little Kei"Gene said in a baby voice,she can't wait to see her baby's eyes,the baby open her eyes a little not fully because of course she's still adjusting.Gene is in uwu,she's really inlove with her daughter,she loves her to much,Kei is like a precious gem for both Gene and Heeseung.

"we'll wait for your dada to wake up"Gene sigh recalling how Heeseung pass out.The door then open revealing a nurse.

"Hello dear"the nurse in her 30's greeted her with a bright smile.

"Hi"Gene greeted back.

"My name is Charin i'm gonna teach you how to breastfeed"She informed Gene.

"oh umm ok"Gene said as they proceed to do the breastfeeding.

After a while Gene manage to learn how to breastfeed properly and she's currently breastfeeding Kei.Gene heard that someone is knocking at the door and she's hoping that it's Heeseung.

"come in"She allowed gently signaling the anonymous to come in and it's indeed Heeseung.

"hey Ge-wow"Heeseung said in uwu when he saw his daughter in Genes arms,he slowly approaching them.

Gene grinned at him as baby Kei finished her feeding then Gene fix her clothes.

"come Heeseungie hold her"Gene told Heeseung but he shooked his head.

"no what if i drop her?"He said worriedly.

"no you're not going to drop her"Gene reassured him.

"but she look so fragile"He said.

"come on Heeseung just hold her promise you won't drop her"Gene said solfty reassuring him.

"o-ok then"He stutter then Gene pass him the cute baby Kei who move a little.

"she's beautiful"He said in admiration.

"she even got your eyes Gene"He exclaimed excitedly making Gene chuckled.

"yeah but she got your nose"Gene said.

Heeseung nodded at her.

"Gene she's looking at me and....and she smiled"He sais tearing up,it's not really smile but he's a inlove father so yeah.

"she love you that's why...we love you"Gene said looking at Heeseung lovingly.

"I love you both too"Heeseung said kissing Gene on her forehead same goes to baby Kei.

They're having a peaceful moment when someone brag in the room causing baby Kei to cry.

"Where's the baby?!!!"Beomgyu asked loudy.

"Beomgyu you made the poor baby cry"Hanbin said slapping Beomgyu's shoulder as the young parents shushed their child.

"oh sorry"He whispered,minutes later and baby Kei already stopped crying.

"can we see her?"Taehyung asked excitedly.

"of course"Gene said giving them permission to hold Kei but Heeseung refused.

"they're not holding my baby"Heeseung said protectively,the excitement of the guys turn down.

"Heeseung"Gene called his name softly.

"what if they drop her?...i can't risk that"Heeseung said.

"but we'll not gonna drop her"Jimin said pouting.

"yeah we hold a baby before though"Jungwon butt in pouting too.

"i-i did some research on how to hold babies properly"Sunghoon said shyly.

"come on let us hold baby-"Xylene cut her own words.

"wait what's her name?"Xylene asked.

"oh yeah we didn't know her name yet"Seon said as if he just realized something, well he did realized something.

"Her name is Kei An"Heeseung said lovingly looking at her daughter who is listening to their talking.

"Lee Kei An"Soobin said her name.

"that's a beautiful name"Dafi said wiping her nonexistent tears.

"it fits her so well"K said grinning.

"now can we hold her?"Taehyung asked getting impatient.

"fine"Heeseung said sigh defeated.

"it's ok they won't hurt her"Gene said reassuring Heeseung.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz