Chapter 29

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i just got the costumers order when EJ,my co worker called me.

"what is it EJ,make it fast tho i still have to do the orders"i said approaching him.

"you have a phone call and she's sobbing"he said making me worry.

"is it Gene?"I asked with a worried look at my face.

"no it says Rean"He said shrugging. I nodded and took the phone from him and put it near my ears.

"Rean?"i called.

"Heeseung- ah"she called my name as she sobbed,i can hear a baby cry too and that made my heart race,i feel like something bad happened.

"tell me what's wrong,why are you crying?and is baby Kei with you?"I bomb her with my questions.

"yeah  baby Kei is with me she's alright but you have to come to the hospital"She blur out sobbing hard.

"and don't ask question i'll explain it to you when you're here"she added.I immediately hang up and remove my apron and toss it on the counter,with that i ran out of the cafe.

"Heeseung!!"i heard EJ and our Manager shouted my name but i ignore them and went fast inside my car then drove off to the hospital.

As arrived at the hospital Rean told me,i immediately went to the counter and asked the nurse in charge.

"I'm here fo Bae Gene"I said in hurry.

"she's in the operating room sir but you can wait outside the room"the nurse said,i nodded and went to the emergency room,there i saw Rean with my daughter in her arms sobbing.

"Rean"i called approaching them.

"Heeseung"she exclaimed,i grab my daughter off her arms,she is crying to,i began to bounce her lightly until she fall asleep.

"tell me what happened"i demanded,tears falling from my eyes.

"we're in the cafe when a man wearing all black came,he keep saying that he want to see the owner of the cafe,then he went to us and he recognized Gene but then the owner came with the police and Gene tried to get off his grip but he shot her on the back"she explained crying,more tears began to fall from my eyes.

"did you call them"i said referring to our friends.

"yes and they're on their way but i didn't call Gene's mom and dad,i...i feel like you should call them not me"she said.

"ok i'll call them"i said taking out my phone about to call aunty Bae but instead someone is calling me,i answered it knowing who is the caller.

"Mr.Yang i can't right now,my girlfriend is in the can't do that you said you'll give me 1 month to pay!"I shouted and the baby in my arms began to cry.

"shhhh let me hold her for a minute"Rean said then i gently place my baby in her arms then i focus on the caller,Mr.Yang.

"no!...ok i'll be there"I said in frustration.

"who was it"Rean asked looking at me in worry.

"no one...i have to go...i'll be right back...i just have to do something"i said walking away,i don't really want to leave but this old man is stubborn.

i finally arrived at out apartment and i can see Mr.Yang waiting outside.

"Mr.Yang"i called him coldly.

"oh Lee nice to finally see where's the money?"He said taking out his palm.

"i don't have it yet but i assure you that you will get it tomorrow"i said gritting my teeth.

"very well...ok then i should sure that you have the money or you'll be leaving this apartment"He said grinning then walk away.

I sigh closing my eyes,rubbing my face in frustration.

"where would i get the money to pay that old man"i said furrowing my eye brows.

Suddenly i remember the man who offered me to sell my car to him,i swallowed hard and get his calling card in my pocket then dial his number.

"hello sir"

"who's this?"

"I'm the owner of the car you saw earlier in the morning"i said.

"ohhh yeah i have you change your mind?"He asked.

"i'll sell my car to you"



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu