Chapter 2

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"sweet heart come downstairs Heeseung is already here"My mom shouted from downstairs.

"coming!"I shouted back,immediately walking out of my room and went downstairs to see Heeseung talking to my dad.I cleared my throat to catch their attention.

"wow my baby looks so gorgeous"My dad complimented,making me blush.

"thanks dad"I shyly thanked him.

I look at Heeseung and catch him staring at me which made me blush even more.

"Lets go Heeseung"I say walking out with Heeseung following behind me.

I waited as Heeseung get his Car.As soon as the car stop infront of me he got out from the car and open the door for me to step in then he stepped in too and start to drive at the party location,to Hanbin's house.

"You look beautiful"Heeseung suddenly complimented as he drives.

"Thanks,you look Handsome"I say bashfully complimenting him back and that made him chuckle,he really know how to make me flustered.

"thank the way in the party i want you to stay close to me ok?"

"hmmm yes"I assured him,I acctually like the idea of him being with my side at the party.With that he continue to drive away.


After 30 minutes of driving we finally arrive,I must say that Hanbin did a good job at throwing this party,the music is too loud that i feel like any minute his house would collapse and there are alot of cars outside too,rich kids.

We stepped out of the car and walk inside,gosh the door is not even close,I presume that he's expecting alot of visitors.

As soon as we enter the house we immediately saw alot of teens dancing like crazy,some are even making out,some are grinning to each other and some are drinking alcohol,great just great I kinda regret coming here now.

"wow U did not expect this party to be this...gross..."Heeseung commented looking around the huge place, disgusts at what he have seen.

"Heeseung! Gene!"someone called us out of nowhere.

"Rean!"I shouted her name as she approach us.We hugged each other then she pat Heeseung's shoulder as a greeting.

"Both of you look so favorite couple"Rean complimented us.She always say that we are her favorite couple and i can clearly see that because she's always supportive about us,she also brag about us on her family which is weird to be honest.

"You look beautiful too Rean"Heeseung complimented her back,and this idiot flip her hair using her hands,posing like an idiot she is.

"I know right...I was born beautiful"She said confidently.

"yeah right"Heeseung said rolling his eyes at her.

"Hey! it's true! i was born beautiful!"Rean retorted defensively.

"go talk with a turle"Heeseung said,rolling his eyes again.

"Gene your boyfriend doesn't agree that i'm beautiful"Rean whined holding my arm.

I just laugh it off and shrug her hand away from my shoulder.

"Whatever you two..."I walked away and Heeseung followed me,we then sat down on an empty couch there.

We ate foods that Hanbin's helper cooked,it taste really good even Heeseung liked it,we also meet Hanbin's cousins and they are all handsome really,their names are Seon,Sunghoon,Jungwon,K,Jimin
Taehyung,Beomgyu and Soobin.
They're nice too.

After 3 hours some of the invited people,got home already,Hanbin's cousin Jimin suggested that we play drink or answer.

"People!let's form a circle for this game!"Jimin beamed then every one took a seat and form a circle.We are 15 in total her,Hanbin's cousin,me and Heeseung,Rean and 3 other girls from school.

"so here's how the game run...we spin the water bottle and when the opening of the bottle point at you then you'll have to answer the question of the person who got pointed by the end of the bottle...and if you don't wanna answer it then you have to drink a glass of vodka "Jimin explained the instruction excitedly.

"got it?"Jimin checked.

"Yes got it"we all answer.

I guess this is it,maybe later i'll be drunk.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now