Planetary art rant

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I just wanted to get this off my chest, since its been bothering me for a while and I don't know if what I'm doing is 'wrong'

So, as some of you know, I decided to make some solar system gijinkas some time ago, I posted some art of them(mainly Mars) on my first artbook. The reason why was because I watched Lavendertowne's videos where she herself turns the planets into humans, I thought to myself "Hey that looks fun, I should do the same!"

So I did. Because of the fact it was Lavender's designs I saw first, they were the onces that most influenced my designs, and because her designs looked quite human, with things like skin color not that 'out there', my visions for my designs looked quite human too.

Sometime later, I find Planetery Moe on deviantart, but it didn't really impact me too much since the designs were just cute anime guys and gals in my opinion.

So not much there

But then... while looking up some other planet gijinkas on google for inspiration... I find Oh My Cosmos on Tumblr

I think its on a blog or something... idk how tumblr works

But yeah, the point is that I found it. And FUCK do I LOVE it. The character designs are just so colorful and unique and the ideas for the world these characters live in are simple yet interesting and the artstyle is very expressive and helps compliment the designs and I-... I went through another crisis because of them..

And now we get to the point of this rant.

I fucking hate how easily my fun little projects become stressful and painful for me. Every time I see other designs and ideas I see as better, my mind suddenly thinks about my own designs and ideas and asks things like "Are these designs too generic?", "Are my ideas bland?", "Does this character even stand out?" And other questions like that.

Again, I don't hate Oh My Cosmos, HECK I revisted it today cuz I'm feeling like drawing my gijinkas and I'm scrolling through it as I type right now, its just that... for some reason, I feel like if I take some inspiration from it bigger than just a few minor points... I'm not being creative and I'm stealing.

I hate that I'm putting myself to such a high standard because I want people to appreciate my work. I keep on wanting to be 'original' even tho I fully know that every story is borrowed in some way.

And speaking of my work, specifically my planets of course, because of Oh My Cosmos, I've wanted to slightly redesign some of my planets because, yeah, I do think that my designs are... bland, especially since these are as cool as frikin planets, I don't want to downgrade these things. And I suck as clothes, so of course I have to try. But... the thing is, I've already grown quite attached to my characters, with Mars, Earth, and Saturn starting to have pretty solid personas and the rest following suit. The idea of changing them is... yeah..

And again, I'm scared that I'll end up copying other designs and at best people will compare me to them and worst, they'll accuse me of theft.

I'm just hoping that... soon, I'll become as creative as these artists and no longer feel this way, no longer have to stress about wether or not my designs will appeal. No longer will my fun projects spiral into pain for me.

So... yeah...

Over the course of the afternoon I took to type this, I am starting to finally get used to Oh My Cosmos and the fact that my designs are my own, they are my style and have my charm. But... I'm still worried about the copying thing...

I am feeling more... open to redesign my planetary babies(haha-). You know, wait, redesigns the wrong word... uhhh... modify? Change? Alter? Yeah, sure, alter.

But yeah, I know this is an inevitable thing for all artist and that this will happen to me again, but it doesn't change the fact it hurts and doesn't invalidate this rant... thing

Also, yes, the pic up top is from the Oh My Cosmos blog. I just found it so hilarious that it deserves to be here despite it being the cause of my breakdown and this rant.

Plus I love their design for Sun... he solar dad

So... yeah

Have a good rest of your day/night/evening/dawn/all-nighter


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