I HAS A DISCORD(Also Merry Christmas and I have a few things to say)

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Guess who finally got a Discord!

I made it to talk to my aunt and 2 cousin who have it while I'm away to celebrate New Year with my mom's side of the family in another city

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I made it to talk to my aunt and 2 cousin who have it while I'm away to celebrate New Year with my mom's side of the family in another city

But of course, since I'm finally a step closer to an actual social life(gEE THANKS D A  D-), feel free to talk with me and stuff. I need to forget my stress sometimes

Also, speaking of stress, I was gonna make a few christmas related doodles but I haven't even sketched them yet so I'm screwed
But I will still try and draw them anyway cuz I like the ideas I have too much

I mean, one of the ideas is literally called "Missile-toe"

And speaking of ideas

Character design is frikin hard, even if they're just concepts

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Character design is frikin hard, even if they're just concepts

Yes, these are my current designs for my planet gijinkas
For some odd reason, I've just been shit at drawing humans lately even if I have a clear idea for the concepts of Sun and Pluto. I hate it alot

Also since I'm slow as hell, this'll probably be completed like... next week

Soooo... yeah

I'm feeling quite depressed right now cuz we're going to my mom's side of the family's place to celebrate New Year(aka sweet relief) and stay there for a bit and I hate having to adjust to new routines

Also, I've been informed that I have to share a room with my mom and brother cuz the room I slept in during the summer is occupied... I REALLY prefer sleeping alone... fml-

But yeah, let's just forget about that for at least a moment just to celebrate the rest of Christmas... well at least for you guys, our Christmas lasts still January⁠—

Jk jk(tho I'm not kidding, google it), Merry Christmas to all and a hopefully Happy New Year

K bai

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