Unknown sketch(Yes he's another old OC)

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Like the title says, its just a random sketch I drew of an OC I made... I think around a year and a half ago

Of course, my style has changed since then and I really like the way I draw him now

Of course, my style has changed since then and I really like the way I draw him now

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Yes he has no head and that is his face

I just randomly named him Unknown but today, I like to call him Oliver after the Vocaloid(vid up there is sung by him and another Vocaloid named Fukase and yes, Oliver is the voice of Puppycat)

Idk they just have the same energy...

Please suggest names, I suck at them-

I'm posting more sketches of him soon cuz he's pretty interesting and may also post my older sketches of him for comparisons

So... yeah

Thats it

K bai-

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