Inktober 2020 Day 1(Fish)

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(Don't mind that sketch you've probably already seen up there lol
I just have this NSR x Among Us fic idea I can't get out my head)

Ey its the first day in a long chain of fun agony-

What? The prompt was fish so of course I drew Sayu's elegant reverse mermaid form

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What? The prompt was fish so of course I drew Sayu's elegant reverse mermaid form

I have quite alot of things to say rn, but I'm tired and lazy so heres the DA desc instead lol-

I have quite alot of things to say rn, but I'm tired and lazy so heres the DA desc instead lol-

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Yes I discovered scroll capture a few weeks ago

I am very proud

But yeah, that was my semi-personal ramble

Have some additional info for my great audience here on Wattpad

I MAY skip Sundays, or at least post later in the day, since every Sunday we have to go to our relatives' house and while yes we have Wifi there, the conditions aren't really picture perfect(does that count as a pun?-)

Straying from that, I have just discovered Senbonzakura today and I am just jamming to it all day

I wanna make fanart of Sayu based on this because, as I've repeated too many times, she's a reference to Vocaloid(and maybe even Miku specifically) in being a digital idol

(Also frick I just realized in that PV up there, the bike Miku is riding is a Penny Farthing, and since the song is about the Meiji Restoration of 1868 I believe, its appropriate since that bike was getting popular during the time

One final note tho, I probably won't post Inktober daily here on Wattpad, maybe only every 5 days
So my next post may be on Oct 5, Monday
But who knows? I may grow impatient during that time

So yeah, thats pretty much it

So sorry if this chapter was underwhelming, I'm super tired rn, mainly from the aches and slight diarrhea my stomach has been torturing me with all day
I think its because my digestive system was filled with alot of air today

So yeah, thats all

K bai-

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