Meeting at Star and Sea(NSR Deity AU oneshot)

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It was a cold night, the season didn't matter too much, regardless the moon was bright and on a high arc in the sky. There were no clouds to block the twinkle of the millions of stars above.

The setting is a dark cliff face along a shore, with a black sand beach streaching at the base, waves lapping at the sand. The cliff was a shallow U shape and at the center base of this U, was a tall, while, quartz-like pillar. Its surface was milky a white, with some other colors mixed in in an almost iridescent way. It even seemed to glow slightly from the inside.

In the water itself, brightly colored coral seemed to ignore the fact it was night and appeared to glow as if it was still day.

The waves crashed against the sides of this pillar when the stars suddenly grew bright, as some seemed to fall from the sky as stardust. They fall towards the top of the stone spire before flashing a bright light taking the shape of a large man. At least he looked like a man at first. He didn't have a head, instead, a glass orb with the cosmos inside floated in place. His clothing were various shades of dark blue, and just like the sky and his head, stars and galaxies adorned it, as well as moving patters of the solar system.

He looked forward towards the sea and sighed, then down at the waves and coral below. Despite not having a face, he looked down thoughtfully and as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Soon enough, the sea suddenly became calmer, the corals brighter, and a large wave as tall as the spire rose out of the water. Like the rock the man was standing on, the water pillar glowed fron the inside with a colorful light showing the sihouettes of four figures inside. But as the wave crashes down right next to the star-enveloped man⁠⁠⁠— not one drop of water landing on him⁠⁠⁠— instead what was left stading aren't any of the figures in the wave, but a young woman who didn't stand as much as float in place. Where her ribcage would have ended, she instead had a long fish-like tail with white iridescent scales and fins as well as other bright pastel colors. On her head, her hair was the same platinum white as her tail, pearls floating around her head like a crown. In the dark, bioluminescent markings are also visible, making her look more other-worldly.

"Hello, Supernova, long time no see."
The woman⁠⁠— er⁠⁠— mermaid, being the term, doesn't even appear to look at the other figure as she speaks through her gentle smile. Her voice sounded young, like that of a teenager. Somehow that voice matches perfectly with her ethereal look.

The other, Supernova, speaks up. He didn't have a face but he clearly seemed to cringe at what the other has said.

"Oh cease with that langauge, we are far too great for such common tongue." His voice was more appropriate for his appearance; deep, soothing, yet powerful. His voice echoed from all directions, as if it were the stars in the sky speaking instead of him. "After all, we haven't met since-"

"Since the Light died." The other cuts him off like an adolescent cutting off their parent reminding them of something. "Yes I know, but that was a long time ago, and the humans have taken on a new style of speech I'd like to... get the hang of." She paused a bit at the last part to remember at that new phrase she learned from humans.

Nova, despite not having a face, seemed to a scoff with zero amusement, but ultimately decided not to comment on the statement.

"How typical of you, Sayu." He sighed. "By the way, why did you request that we meet here? This area is sacred to you is it not? I expect a good answer from a goddess as revered as you." The tone of his voice made it clear that he wasn't joking around. Such a meeting place must mean that this better be important, at least in his eyes.

"Oh, no reason really, I just wanted to chat a bit with you." The other, Sayu, simply stated with a smile, not at all phased by Supernova's confused sputtering.

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